Monday, October 30, 2006

Training Update

Welcome back. You belong here.

So what does it look like for a someone like me who is into fitness, weight training, running, lifting, eating 6 small meals a day, lots of tuna, protein, yogurt, cottage cheese, and no to pizza, cookies, ice cream, etc. etc? What does it look like for me in October?

This is a time of finding a new rhythm. The summer (long summers here in Los Angeles, CA) rhythm is coming to an end. The warm days are almost over, its getting darker earlier, the cooler nights are here to stay, holidays, etc.

Time to start eating, pause on working out, see you in January post-new years' (man, I'm fat!) resolutions? Not a FAT CHANCE! But change is in order.

Two weeks I lifted 3x/ran 3x, abs 5x, eating at 90%.
Last week, Rachelle had migraines for three straight days, then time change Sunday last week, and I only ran 2-3x, abs 2-3x, eating at 90%. That reminded me up of the change that is coming.

My body has been telling me two things (key, always listen to your body)
1. Lift heavier weights, increase in the # of exercises, move towards bulk in the next few months
2. Work out in the AM's not in the afternoons or evenings.
3. Conserve energy in light of holiday syndrome is coming (grieving, sadness, some depression, etc.)
4. Eat healthy, no pumpkin pie, holiday baking, etc. I don't need it.

So my new plan:
1. Time - I will once again work out at 7AM. For the last year I've been working out at 4pm or 8pm. I will run in the mornings, lift in the mornings, and be done by 8:30am.
2. Arnold Level 2 Plan. I have been following Dave Draper's plan for the last year, which is higher rep, lower weights, which has given me more definition. It's time to go back to Arnold, for bulk, and mass.
3. Eat more good stuff. This means more tuna, more chicken, more brown rice, more veggies, more healthy stuff. This does not mean, more food, it's more good food - Mexican and pizza are not considered good food.
3. Go hard and be consistent. Through Thanksgving, Christmas, grieving (both my father and second mother died in Decembers). Go hard, don't look back, be focused.
4. Take a break as needed. Rest 2-3 days a week, enjoy family and friends, sing carols, enjoy a movie with my wife, play cards with the children, go to church.

The sport of weight training requires movement and adjustment, lest you get stuck and stop or become unmotivated and just go through the motions. Never!

That's the commitment. I start right now.

Have a great day.

Into the future,


Contented Day

Welcome back. You belong here.

Right now, I'm having a contented moment, and a contented soul.

Like many of you, I'm a striver, achiever. In fact my #1 strength on a test called "Strength's Finder" is ACHIEVE. Bummer for me right? That means I'm always longing for more, for better. In my exercising for example, I pursue to be the best, to work out 6x a week, lift 4x a week, to eat healthy every day. And I do, I live there all the time and I actually get there most weeks, I've actually been into this fitness thing for now three years, I've been very consistent, and now I'm in the best shape of my life. As I said I'm an achiever.


That means I don't always enjoy and stop to smell the roses, or enjoy a fall day when life is good. It's not that I see what's wrong all the time, it's that I am often too busy pursuing my goals to notice the beauty all around me. Sometimes people tell me, "David, your life is amazing RIGHT NOW, not someday." I have a hard time seeing that sometimes. I'm an achiever.

But today, I'm having a contented moment...a content day...a cease striving and know that I am God, life is beautiful, life is great day.

Do you need one of those days? I do.

What does that look like for me today? Is it that everything went perfect, got a raise, a good doctors report, a new guitar? No, in fact today, I had a content moment amidst lots of normal life and even some challenges.

First, our car blew a radiator hose while in downtown LA with my wife and children in the car! Usually that would be a disaster for this non-car tech guy and I would blow a hose of my own! But we got to a service station, a man from Mexico repaired the hoses, and in a few hours we were on our way again.

Other things that I've experienced....On Sunday, a friend gave me a note saying, "David you touch my life every time, thank you...." On that same day, another friend waved at me while getting ready to lead worship and said, "Go get them David!" that was so fun...after church another friend told me, "I'm going to put you on my prayer list and pray for you." Later that day, another friend told me, "David, you are already affecting my life." Later that evening, a new person to the church came up shook my hand and thanked me for I'm still not sure what, he just kept saying thank you, thank you. Strange.

Remember the guy that fixed our car? I got to share the love of Christ with him. He told me he had been a Christian when he was younger but that working as a mechanic had been hard for him and now he often found himself giving in to temptations and to the pressures at work and the comments from his fellow mechanics to "stop trying to be different and just be like everyone else..." He told me he didn't want to be that way. I told him that he didn't have to be, that inside of him lived Christ, that the light of Jesus is stronger than the darkness all around him, that the wide road leads to destruction and many take that path, but the narrow path leads to life and salvation and happy are those that choose it. He said, he wanted to be different. As he fixed my hoses and put freez-on back in the radiator, he said, "I will remember what we talked about today...thank you." Cool.

I was just in the garage about to lift my weights and push through another workout, I love doing that, I'm into weights. But instead, I came in here and typed this moment for you and me. I will probably work out later tonight, today it's chest and legs/abs, but right now, I want to enjoy this moment, enjoy life, enjoy God's little gifts of grace and love, the words of people and how they fill my life, to see my wife and hang out with our children.

I told Rachelle just a few minutes ago of my experience. She smiled and said how glad she was that I was giving myself the freedom to enjoy.

Tomorrow, I will surely keep pursuing greatness, new things, finish projects, do the right thing, lead, serve, grow, expand the Kingdom of God. But I wonder if God didn't show me this moment to remind me that it's not my striving that makes things happen, as much as my praying makes radiators leaks go away.

It's what Paul reminds us in Philippians when he says, "rejoice in the Lord always....rejoice" and when the Psalms say, "unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who strive." I still don't get the balance between rejoicing and achieving and maybe there is no balance, it's all rejoicing, it's all seeking God and resting in Him while doing your daily work. I'm not a lazy person, so it's good for me to rest in Christ. It's the attitude inside of me that is changing, it's the joy amidst the leaky radiator, the freeway traffic, it's something inside, it's something others give to me, it's something God surrounds me with - His peace, His joy, His strength.

So I will not forget this day and this moment, and I write you this note to share this with you in case you need the encouragement to cease, to stop striving, toenjoy, to listen to the fall leaves in your home, to enjoy the pumpkins on your front porch, to thank God for the people in your life.

Yes, the work the mechanic in downtown LA did was average, my guess is I will have to get an original part very soon and do it right, not bad for $30.00 and getting home without a tow truck. But in the mean time, I'm content with today and this moment, and I will take it with me for a long time to come.

May you receive the life around you in Jesus and His love, His grace, His goodness and friendship. May you rest this week in His kindness and direction, His provision in your life - people, things, love, family. And may you give that life to those around you who may be in need.

For one day, you may bump into someone that is striving and achieving and who needs to stop and smell the roses.

Have a great day,

Into the future,


Friday, October 27, 2006

Web Based Project Manager

Welcome back. You belong here.

I like this so far. Web-based project manager for my artisans as we plan Good Friday 2007, Christmas Eve 2006, Spring 2007 teaching series for AM and PM, etc.

Christmas Eve 2006 >Basecamp.

Have a great day.

Into the future,


Monday, October 16, 2006

I Just Want you to be My Friend...leave me alone!

Welcome back. You belong here.

Ever been in a situation when you have to cross that line from being a friend (meaning I don't speak truth into a situation) to being a real friend and speak truth with grace?

I'm in that spot right now and it's not easy. Whether young or old, I see a generation that wants me to love them and accept them but with strings attached, in other words, "as long as you don't tell me what to do."

I agree, no one likes to be told anything, but even the mere mention of God's truth, of consequences to their actions is hard for some. In some cases, the actions are harmful to others and to themselves and still I get "leave me alone...just be my friend."

What is a friend?

Solomon speaks of this:

8 There was a man all alone; he had neither son nor brother. There was no end to his toil, yet his eyes were not content with his wealth. “For whom am I toiling,” he asked, “and why am I depriving myself of enjoyment?” This too is meaningless--a miserable business!

9 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work:
10 If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no-one to help him up!

11 Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone?
12 Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Truthfully, it's also hard for me when I fall and others try to help me, or better yet they tell me things before I fall. But I'm learning the need for truth in my life - "David, that was unkind, David, that went long, David you didn't show up." After all, I do those things....I have to accept them.

So I try to be a friend, which to some means you stay on the surface, and yet try to reflect truth with grace and kindness. This is not easy for me, but I find it's needed in the Body of Christ. Some respond with acceptance, others respond a week later, others leave the church. Jesus told the adulterous woman, "you are right in saying you have no husband..." OUCH! Truth exposes reality, but then Jesus said, "go and sin no more..." Grace, help, acceptance.

Which way do I lean? I have a hard time saying things nicely without offending people. So I say them in fluffy ways and then one day I make myself clear and people are shocked. I am working on always being clear, to the point and having things well thought out, with advice from others, checking my math twice as they say, before I make that phone call.

Ultimately, I know I can't change anyone, only the Spirit of God can. I can only ask God to use me to speak words of truth and grace, and err on the side of grace always! People know they're screwed up, I know I show up late to things, I know I drop off the children late (sometimes!)....I need grace, help, a plan to improve not to be condemned.

On the other hand, you and I need truth, to talk about the things we're doing that hurt ourselves and others and to help people through those times.

Restoration, restoration, restoration, that is the goal of discipline, of truth in all this, Jesus came not to condemn the world, but that the world would be saved through him. That's my desire.

Have a great day.

Into the future,


Monday, October 02, 2006

What is Significance to Boomers, GenX and GenY

Welcome back. You belong here.

Some observations in working with three different generations. What keeps them motivated? What do they get into? What do they not tell you with their mouths but through their myspace, silence, body language, etc. What makes them tick as far as feeling connected to an organization?

1. A role, title, a stage. In other words, I find that Boomers need to know they are on the "team", that they have a role to play, and that they are unique in that role.
EX - It's important for our leaders to know they are in charge of the Christmas Eve Service.
2. Excellence. Boomers (this is a no brainer), value things that are well done. Efficiency, organization, clear assignments.
EX - A good rehearsal is when we start on time, end on time and finish the job.
3. Personal space. Don't talk to me for too long, don't call me too often, don't touch me!
EX - One of my musicians often reminds me not to hug him.

Gen-X/Busters, etc...
1. Involved and valued. X'ers value being valued. "Do you love me" seems to be their never ending question. In other words, even though I don't show up to things, and am too busy to show up to meetings, do you still want me around?
EX - One of our photographers came last night with near tears in her eyes, wanting me to use her photography even though I hadn't seen or heard from her in weeks.
2. Time spent one on one. If you value me, you'll mentor me one on one, not in a group because I won't feel valued. I dont' want to be one of your people, I want to be the ONLY one.
EX - After a long rehearsal, some of our musicians want to talk in the parking lot for 2-3 hours.

1. Many things all at once. Collaboration, relationships, working together not just with my peers but with the bosses.
EX - My painters often ask me about big events in the church, when are we going to do the Good Friday show? What about the annual meetings, when do we get to lead that?
2. Social causes and stop playing church with me. It's not enough to do the job, but it has to matter. And btw, why is church so weird?
EX - Last year, 300+ people came to a music and art show called the RoboShow, all put on by GenY'ers, which benefited the "Invisible Children". They raised a ton of cash.
3. Let's go play basketball and go skating. Soooo different than the Boomers and GenX, GenY wants to do group things aaaaallll the time.
EX - After a midnight rehearsal, all the guys invited me to go skating at ElDo. I went home!
4. Mentor me, don't teach me stuff. I've noticed this generation knows a ton of stuf, they need me to be their friend not their leader. Tricky, when I still have to lead them, but although tempted to do it the old fashion way and talk about vision, values, blah, blah, blah, I have stick to the plan - relationships, servanthood and bbq's at my house to have the RIGHT to speak into their lives.
EX - We had 20 artisans at our house last month for a bbq. For boomers that would have been one bbq too many. For GenY I am planning MONTHLY bbqs.

There is much more but that's a start. What do they all have in common?
Passion. I find that for the most part, all generations have a passion in their hearts for something greater than themselves.

I count it an honor (actually it's nuts) to work with all three generations right now. I respect each generation's thing while praying God can use me to move all of them towards Christ likeness and a passion for the Kingdom of God.

Have a great day.

Into the future,
