Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Summer Thoughts

Welcome back. You belong here.

World Cup Note: Brasil 3, Ghana 0, No contest. The Gahna team seemed overmatched, nervous, tentative, maybe in awe of the Brasilians. Not a very entertaining game.

Summer Thoughts:

THE BEST TEACHERS to help us enjoy summer are little children. They do not yet work in offices. They do not own calendars with tasks crying out to be done. I love to see the parks fill up with young life each summer. … I am joining them for a day, lest I grow old before my time. … As a child, I was quite successful at living life fully, because I had not yet learned to live by the calendar. I lived by heart.
Macrina Wiederkehr, in The Circle of Life

I live by heart, sometimes it drives me nuts because I can't keep up with it, and sometimes you have to live by the to do's and urgent needs.

But on a day like today, I'm living by heart - painted Isabela's (4) toe nails and taught her a song on the piano , played trucks with David (2), and put Canela's (7) name on her Groovy Girls suitcase. My to do says do homework, lift (chest/back, abs), vacuum and spot clean. I'll get to that shortly, right now I'm doing what's most importat.

We leave for Oregon on Thursday, I can't wait. Vacation is good.

Have a great day.

Into the future,
