Monday, June 04, 2007

On My Country Nicaragua

Welcome back. You belong here.

I was born in Nicaragua. I was just reading a site called "Nicaragua blogosphere" describing different Nicaraguans and their blogs. Most of these blogs deal with the arts, music, poetry, native artifacts and the like.

That's me too.

I guess each time I read stuff on Nicaragua there are two main things that pop up: arts and politics. And for good reason, we are known as a land of singers and poets and as a land torn by war and natural disasters.

I too am an artisan, I think in terms of music, color, shapes and images. I live in Long Beach, CA in the USA and have made my life here, I am an American and a Latino and many things in between.

I am proud of my heritage and artistic background because it's what God gave me as a gift and connects me to my country. I grew up with music all around me, guitars, marimbas, singing all day long, hearing stories and myths, talking religion, of Catholic saints and evangelical faith. I grew up seeing poverty, war, and yet also seeing a lot of normal life - education, cars, TV's, phones, shopping malls, grocery stores, eating pizza on the weekends, girlfriends and friends.

My father taught me people, music, God, church. My mom taught me sacrifice, joy, faith and strength. My grandmother taught me selflessness, sacrifice, pain and the love of family.

I thank God for Nicaragua my country of origin. It gave me music, the senses and much of what I am today. It taught me faith in Jesus, a love for people and for family. And I thank God for my country USA, for it has given me opportunity and freedom. It has allowed me to see and do things that most people may never get to do. It gave me my amazing wife, our beautiful children, my church and helped me find a way to use my gifts for the glory of God.

Have a great day.

Into the future,
