Friday, April 25, 2008

When I look at the Pictures

Welcome back. You belong here.

When I look at the pictures
Of rock stars and wanna be's
I can almost believe
I can be
I can be

But I know better
I know better
I'm me

When I watch the videos on You Tube
And see the guitars glitter
In the ambers and reds
As the crowd grows wild
I can almost believe
I can be just like them

But I know better now
I know better
I'm me

Me is what I am
Not what I see on TV
Me is not that bad
It's actually pretty good

If I put the pursuit down
To follow what's on TV
And instead embrace the real me
What would be of my life?

It would be priceless
It would be filled with rightness

To pretend I'm all that I do
Is not that fun anymore
It drives me away from truth
It keeps me from being in the flow

I want to be me
I want to be free
Release me from the theater
Of acting on a stage

Instead I want to say hello
And talk and listen
And feel completely scared
But knowing I am me
Knowing I am free
From the old me
Into the new me

Have a great day,

Into the future,
