Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ted and Gayle Quotes

Welcome back. You belong here.

Quotes from the interview with Tedd Haggard on Larry King Live:

"I tried to pray more, fast, be more spiritual. But reading my Bible made me worst"
"Mr. Jones rescued me, I am thankful for him"
"These feelings are not a choice"
"I lost the ability to seek God"
"I became world wide unrighteous"
"It was just a disaster"
"I don't think the boxes work for me, I have some thoughts that don't fit the boxes"
"Jesus has never ever drawn away from me"
"I never thought of leaving the faith"
"Superstitions of the faith"
"I need mercy and grace"
"I do know he's a sinner"
"We had a great sexual relationship in our marriage"
"It had it's seasons of distance"
"I knew he had struggles in his thoughts"
"I'm willing to go through the process"

Have a great day,

Into the future,
