Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Artists and Change

Welcome back. You belong here.

Today I spoke to a friend who's a painter. She has been involved in Art events in Arvada, CO but has found them lacking. I told her I agree, it's a problem I've seen at the Arts in Old Town meetings I attend, old school meets new school, money goes to the old and not enough to innovation.

She said she wants to help, but I'm not sure how to involve her. All I've got right now is a monthly meeting and she's not much for meetings, she's an artist.

What can be done? One thing I can do is to encourage her to get involved in our Summer Festival called "Gold Strike" (terrible name). Perhaps she can do a booth of her artwork, and include other like minded people.

Artists like her need the roads cleared and the paths to smell like new earth, to feel like there's hope and change is possible. Just talking today was a little bit of that, like we can make a difference. I told her that I'm hoping to encourage change by attending these boring meetings and to show that I'm committed to what's going on now yet have a passion for the new.

Our executive director also needs our help, I just don't always know how to help her. I think I need to meet with her 1-1 or with my friend and figure out if we can start our own branch called "New Art in Arvada". There are at least two projects we can help with, a mural in Old Town and an Art Walk.

Have a great day.

Into the future,
