Saturday, January 16, 2010

Who's That Talking?

Welcome back. You belong here.

Yesterday someone told me "Trig, you can be that guy! I think you are the guy to [do x]" The inner child in me who wants to know I have value, believed it, swallowed it hook and sinker without a second thought. Although I do have a passion for the issue we were talking about I don't think I'm supposed to change my plans.

The problem is that just a few days before, the real me had determined something completely different, but because someone I respect said something positive, I almost changed my mind. So who's talking? Is it the real me or voices inside my head? That often happens when I am led by what others say, not by what I know of myself.

Part of the change I see in me is to stop believing the negative stuff people say as well as the great plans others have for me. I'm learning to be myself and follow what I believe I'm on this earth to do.

Have a great day.

Into the future,
