Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Church Planting as Faith

Welcome back. You belong here.

I've been blogging through our journey from traditional church into an organic, city transformation type of faith community.

A question I often get asked is "what are you doing?" The quick answer is: Looking for work, the real answer is: Challenged to Grow in Faith.

The reality is that the past 2-3 months, our faith has been challenged.

Waiting is rough. Not having jobs, getting no's, trying to hear God, finances, insurance, working through the stress, it's all been exhausting. Both Rachelle and I are realizing that the work of church planting starts and ends with God. The minute we put our eyes on ourselves, things fall apart, but when we focus on God we find peace.

We've also been touched by the simple graces all around us - our friends, our children, people praying for us, our family, and nests. Nests? Yeap, nests...

The other day we went outside and noticed a nest in one of our flower pots (see picture). There are two eggs in the nest, the mom lays on the eggs while the dad brings food and protects the nest. It's been very windy here lately, so we've been concerned for the well being of the nest, but we realize we can't do much about the wind.

Both Rachelle and I have been very touched by the nest and the eggs. First, it's wonderful to see little birds come to life a few feet away from our front door, we see it as a beautiful gift among many trials. But most of all, it's a reminder of what God is doing in us.

The wind is strong, we sometimes feel fragile in the nest, we know it's time to grow but at times we feel worried. Will we make it? Will we survive?

God keeps telling us "Yes, you will survive, just as I'm with those little birds, even when it's windy and it looks rough, I am with you." That gives us a lot of strength.

I hope you too can take heart in this process. If you're in a place of waiting and you don't quite see how it's all going to work out, realize that God is with you and that your faith is being challenged for good, it's part of the necessary growth.

We accept the fact that these challenges of faith are preparation for this new life of service and mission. May God give us all the peace and strength to weather the storms in our lives.
