Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Life Still Goes On During Christmas

Welcome back. You belong here.

More Christmas perspective on how life goes on, good and bad, broken promises, hurtuful words, sickness amidst all the Christmas spirit. And why should we expect only good things during Christmas? Even Mary and Joseph had to struggle to find a place to rest during the birth of our Savior.

This is helping me at least, hope it helps you too. Link: Music

"I lay on the icy ground, staring up at the night sky and wondering whether or not I had broken my ankle, I distinctly remember asking myself and/or God, How can this be happening? It's Christmas!

My pastor gave an interesting answer to this in last Sunday's sermon. We Christians usually look upon Christmas with fondness as a magical time of year when we can recapture some of our youth, spend time with family, share some nifty presents, and experience the wonder of the Christ child. As a result, we tend to place some unrealistic expectations on Christmas, doing all we can to make it perfect for ourselves.

But the reality is that the world does not stop for Christmas. We're still prone to accidents and frustration this time of year. We won't get everything we ask for, the family dinner may get burned in the oven, and sadly, Christmas will even prove tragic for some. Hey, even one of the most pivotal moments of history went awkwardly—Mary and Joseph couldn't find a room in the local hotel, and the Son of God was ultimately born in the cold manger of a smelly barn."

Have a great day.

Into the future,
