Saturday, December 31, 2005

My New Year's Night

Welcome back. You belong here.

We have four guests in our home this week for 7 days, at times tough, busy, hectic, lots of people in one house (total=9), but mostly it's great, good times, conversation, different perspectives, sharing life together. How else do you know yourself if not by living your life in front of others? We all should do this more often, it sure is a different experience from our secluded, private, keep to myself, no one knows what happens behind close doors, home lives many of us live.

1. Kiss my wife often, before, after, during midnight
2. Kiss our children goodnight at 7:30pm. No late night for them.
3. Watch my favorite band in the whole world jam on a repeat PBS special - COLDPLAY at Austin City Limits. I'm looking forward to "Yellow" and "In My Place" and of course "Fix You".

Speed of Sound
White Shadow
'Til Kingdom Come
Ring of Fire
In the Sun (with Michael Stipe)
Nightswimming (with Michael Stipe)
In My Place
Fix You
Recorded: 12/9/2005

Tomorrow, I get up and go to work, lead worship for our morning services. Today I'll lift, chest/back/abs, 30mns. treadmill, eating plan as always (6 small meals a day, equal carbs/protein, protein drinks (60g). That will be 5 times working out this week.

Grieving is on going, last night I read my posts from a year ago regarding my abuelita's final 10 days of her life. It makes my hand shake, my lips quiver, my whole body goes tense, then I relax. She was in the hospital from Dec. 24th through Jan. 3rd. 2005. It feels like yesterday.

Have a great day.

Into the future of 2006,
