Saturday, January 21, 2006

Off for a Run

Welcome back. You belong here.

I'm going to go for a run (30mns), iPod, running shoes, shorts, t-shirt. My treadmill died, I literally ran it into the ground. It began to smoke the other day while running it at full speed. It owed me nothing, I got it for free.

Does anybody have a treadmill you'd like to sell me?

So I'm running on the streets again which is hard on my knees (2 ACL knee surgeries '94 and '95). Running and abs. If I'm healthy enough, I'll try arms and shoulders in the afternoon, we'll see. I took a short nap, so I'm feeling fresh.

It's a beautiful day out there, don't let it get away, concussion or not...

Have a great day.

Into the future,
