Monday, January 30, 2006

Waiting and Writing

Welcome back. You belong here.

I called my doctor to get a CAT-scan, I just want to be sure I'm okay. I hope I get in sometime this week. I feel better, but the progress from this concussion is so slooow, it's frustrating. I have great days, other days I feel dizzy.

In the mean time I'm running, writing lyrics, listening to music, taking a few Sundays off, working as much as I can, living life just a bit slower than most days.

The lyrics I've been writing have been very freeing, liberating, giving me freedom to feel the things I'm going through. Music does that, it allows you to be where you're really at, no excuses, no reasons, just be where you are and call out.

I'm calling out to God through these songs. One is called SURPRISE, talking about how this injury surprised me, came out of nowhere to rock my world, stopped me dead on my tracks for a purpose I don't yet know, but I know deals with trust and weakness. The second one is called GREATER. It talks about weakness is greater than strength because in weakness you experience solitude, fear, loneliness and in those moments you reach out for a God who is greater than the loss. I like that thought a lot, it comes from 2 Cor. 9.

The last one is called BEYOND, coming from a desire to go beyond belief and the "letters in my mind" as the songs says, which alludes to the verses I've memorized, the truth I know, and to belief in God, in Jesus' presence and faithfulness. I want belief, not just knowledge. And of course I thought I had belief, being that I'm more of a feeler than a philosopher, yet we all need to learn lessons again and again don't we?

3pm: Lift, chest/back.
5:30pm: Mute Math at the Troubadour, West Hollywood

Have a great day.

Into the future,
