Monday, May 08, 2006

The Weight of Influence

Welcome back. You belong here.

With influence comes responsibility. You won't gain greater influence unless you're responsible on the current things. "faithful in the small things, put over greater things" is the law. As my responsibilities in the worship arts move from one worship service to three in the next 6-12 months, I am challenged to grow in my leadership.

As influence grows, I have to grow with it. I am challenged to be the man God has called me to be. The greater the vision, the greater the responsibility.

The other thing I'm challenged is in the focus of my leadership. In the worship arts I could focus artists on very accepted things in the church today:

1. Performance
2. Excellence
3. Media
4. Excitement
5. Buzz
6. Numbers
7. Church Growth
8. Relevance
9. Style

You name it, churches do it, including ours. And those things aren't bad, it's part of the worship arts machine. But at the CORE, what I am about are not those things.

At my core is an authentic life in Christ, a genuine relationship with Jesus that is current, which first changes me and then others. And at the core, core you know what I bleed for? Reaching lost people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And at the core, core, core what is there? The Glory of God.

So you can layer my CORE VALUES as follows:
CORE, CORE, CORE - the Glory of God
CORE, CORE - The Gospel of Jesus Christ
CORE - A life in Christ

This is what I hope to be, this is what will influence others. I need others to pray for me as I seek to become this man to my wife, children and the Body.

Have a great day.

Into the future,
