Saturday, December 30, 2006

Enjoy That Beautiful Family

Welcome back. You belong here.

You know how sometimes people say things that stick with you? Well, in the last few weeks we've had an amazing time with family and friends and something that I hear from them often is "enjoy that beautiful family you have..."

I have a beautiful family and I am committed to enjoying them. First my wife who is my partner and friend for life. We are becoming one more and more each passing month, each passing year. Even this weekend, I felt so in love with her seeing her host family, seeing her speak and open her heart in conversation, doing the little things to make things happen, it's amazing to me. I also do my part to love her. Tomorrow I stay home with the little ones while she goes to Target at 6am for their 75% off sale.

And then we have our three "hermosos"- our children, 7, 5 and 3. Sigh of I enjoy them? Yes.

Today, we went on a bike ride. Little David who goes waaay too fast for me, Canela who is fun to ride with because everything I do is perfect (innocence is bliss), and Isabela who loves being a part of the pack. We had a great time going twice around the block.

Then there's David's red wagon near the trash and I smile. You ask why? He loves to stand on the wagon and look inside the trash bins. I know, I know, counseling right?...I don't get it either but he loves trash, trash trucks (he has three of them) and can't wait till Wednesdays when the trash comes by our house. I love that little boy.

My life is filled with joys and I am thankful for them all. It also has it's sad moments, even this year we've experienced some ups and downs, but they hardly dim my happiness and thankfulness for all God has done in our lives. God has been faithful and we worship Him and thank Him for His strength and peace in our lives.

This weekend it's New Year's Eve, and what will we do, party? eat, drink and be merry? We'll be home with our children who'll all be asleep by 8pm and Rachelle and I will babysit Charlie our 8 month old nephew.

And when he's asleep, we'll watch TV, sip some champagne, embrace, kiss in the dark, dance by ourselves in the quietness of our family room and go to bed together just past midnight. I love my life.

Have a great day.

Into the future,
