Friday, May 29, 2009

Sparking Imagination in Others

Welcome back. You belong here.

A couple of days ago I was at our boy's K-graduation, very beautiful. It was outdoors, and behind the ampitheatre, were 5 or so posts, bare, with nothing on them.

Guess what I said to myself "we need to communicate on those posts!" I imagined banners waving in the beautiful warm sun, filled with our values "diversity - accessability - creativity."

After the event, I spoke to Lisa who is a parent and a painter. She told me she agreed with my perspective and that she was willing to work on this project. She's into "value-driven art". The conversation seemed to spark her imagination.

Graduations are the perfect time to communicate core values. It is a time when parents come on campus for the first or second time all year.

The organizations that major on communication at these type of "first-impression" events, can go a long way in gaining followers and greater support.

Have a great day.

Into the future,
