Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Sabbath Day#2 Puzzles and Handrails

Welcome back. You belong here.

Day2 of my Sabbath week went great. Emailed my doctor about the meds for my heart palps not really working, he was out today. Echocardiogram scheduled for Thursday, all part of the process. These palps started 2 months ago, stress induced and are still going.

Today was a great day, went to Lowe's to get stuff to install two handrails in our home, got them, painted them, ready for install tomorrow. Also got a puzzle for the family (750 pieces) and it's been great working on it together as a family. Brings me peace.

Have been writing a lot, thoughts, prayers, verses, reading Psalm 62 for the whole week "My Soul finds rest in you alone"

Praying for this arrythmia to leave the way it came, suddenly. Also praying for others, especially my two best friends. Also went to the Apple store, got my computer fixed (yeah!) and even saw a friend there. That was fun. Also got a pretzel and lemonade.

In all, a fun, relaxing day, the peace of God was all around me. Thank you God.

Have a great day.

Into the future,
