Friday, August 12, 2005

Coldplay on: Songwriting, Moods and Brilliance

Welcome back.

All of us artists are so alike, rich or poor, famous or not, great or average. It's the same genetic makeup. I relate to Chris Martin's (lead singer, Coldplay) comments here. Except, I'm not touring the world with a new song called, "Fix It" or an old song called "Clocks."

Coldplay's Quiet Storm:

"For Chris Martin, it's being regarded as a serious songwriter vs. being referred to in tabloids as Gwyneth Paltrow's husband. According to drummer Will Champion, X&Y refers to Martin as well. 'He's stunning and creative and incredible to be around,' says Champion. 'But the flip side of that is he can sink low and moody. There's not a lot of gray area in between the two.'


"What you won't find in X&Y's album sleeve are any of Martin's lyrics, a bit odd for someone whose visions of abandonment, apprehension, fragility and love have resonated with so many fans. "Because I'm not a great lyricist," says Martin with a laugh. "When you hear someone like Ian McCulloch or Bob Dylan...those are lyrics that should be printed. Mine are just a bunch of feelings." He writes constantly, though, to hone his craft. "That's my only way of making sense of the world," he says. Still, he says he's better at writing silly rhymes in birthday cards to his friends."

Ahh, the sound of artists making history while wondering if it's all worth it, sounds familiar.

Into the future,
