Monday, April 04, 2005

How the Pope Turned Me Into An Evangelical-NOT

One thing we shouldn't do is jump on the "The Pope is cool" bandwagon lest we offend our Catholic peers. Yes, I know earlier I said that anyone who wants to jump on the "race bandwagon" is welcomed, so perhaps I was wrong in that also.

Like many, I have Catholic uncles and aunts. They know I'm not Catholic. They know I'm not into Mary, the Pope and the Saints. So why are we suddenly into the Pope? Of course I want to be, and in some ways I am. The Pope was a man of God, a role model of servanthood, kindness, gentleness and an evangelist, a spiritual leader to millions of youth all over the world.

Who our role models in the Evangelical faith? We need some more.

So if you are jumping on the "The Pope is cool mobile" do it with reverence, with honor to those who truly follow this guy. Learn from them, ask your Catholic friends how THEY feel about this. Don't try to act like you care if you really don't. And if you do care, ask questions and care for a long time. It seems the writer of this article had a genuine Pope experience.

How the Pope Turned Me Into An Evangelical.