Tuesday, July 05, 2005

A Letter to a Friend in Germany

Welcome back.

I have a friend in Germany. I wrote him this email which deals with a favorite quote of his, "the future is Asian and Indian."

"Hi friend,

Greetings to you in Germany, I go to Russia next week, Tula near Moscow, at an orphanage, Im bringing my 'guitarra de nylon' to bless the Lord with those children, Spanish, Russian, English, it's all part of the new world.

I met an Indian friend yesterday at a 4th of July party, and I told him your quote, "the future is Asian and Indian"...I asked him, are you ready for the future? He said, not yet. I said, 'the now is ours, Latinos' but the future is yours, so let's become better friends.

I love international, quadrinternational conversations. They are so natural for me, I see no language or cultural BARRIERS, just HIGHWAYS. I get on your highway, your frequency and we communicate back and forth, your world comes to me and my world goes to you, naturally, effortlessly, wirelessly, this guy was of such 'lot'. Very fun. Very refreshing, compared to the homogeneousness all around.

Here's his wisdom for the day, we were talking about education, world poverty, helping the less fortunate, Benny Hynn and Nigeria and how he was an embarrasement to the Gospel on his recent trip, mind you, my Indian friend is not even a follower of the True God. He's Hindu.

He said, "how do we not feel overwhelmed by the need in the world, how do we not just say, I can't do it, it's too big" He said, "MAKE IT PERSONAL"....there it is. Make it personal.org. Im taking that and running with it. Make It PeRsoNal. Genius."

Into the future,
