Sunday, July 10, 2005

Photos from Russia camp, Previous Team

Welcome back.

Our Russia team (we leave this Friday) goes on the heels of another team that just left the same camp in Russia a few days ago. These are the photos from the last team's Summer camp June 2nd-15th - Russia Inland.

This is what our journey will look like. Just imagine a smiling brown face amidst this group shot. That'll be me!

This morning our church prayed for our team, as well as the team going out to inner city Chicago. We leave Friday for Russia.

And...My wife and three children are currently stranded 30mns. out of Palm Springs. The car overheated and blew a hose. I came home last night to do Sunday's responsibilities but they stayed behind to enjoy one more day in the sun. My father in law is with Rachelle. He drove to their aid from Palm Springs where he's been with the family. They got the car to a shop somewhere near the dinosaurs exit off the 10fwy. She's a good 2 hours away from home with our little ones in the car. Thank God for Dad. It'll be a few hours, but the mechanic said he can fix it..on a Sunday! God is with my family.

This kind of stuff makes me wish I was with her, not home, but I can't control that. I've spoken to Rachelle and she's as good as she can be, thankful that her dad was close enough to call. The week before I leave, coincidence? No way, this is how Satan tries to distract me, but he won't, God is with us.

Oh yes, and my neighbor got nasty with me today over cutting back our vines that are growing on his side. He's right, he was just nasty about it. The amazing thing is that I had already resolved to cut them tomorrow, pending Rachelle's car problems of course. Oh well.

The week before I leave for Russia, this happens. Again, coincidence? No way. Thank you for praying. I will keep you updated on the car situation.

UPDATE: My family is home safe. The children are all in bed. Rachelle is toast but glad to be home. The mechanic fixed the car, and the temporary hose (he cut the bad part out and tied the loose ends), held up the rest of the drive home. Tomorrow, we'll take the car in and get it done right. I'm thankful for all the advantages we have here. Soon, we'll be without many of these things and I'm getting ready for it. God is good.

Into the future,
