Thursday, November 25, 2004

The Calm Before the...

Nice day. Arms and shoulders this AM at 8am, 200 crunches, feel ready to enjoy the afternoon. Playing with the children, while Rachelle gets ready to go. We'll leave here around 1pm to Suzanne's place (R's sister) 10 mns. away (nice), for dinner and family time.

This morning the tears rolled while getting my workout log ready. Funny when things come to your heart. I wrote down the times I've felt thankful this year...

1. Rachelle and I having one of our toughest nights this year on the kitchen table, crying together over our marriage and our commitment to having an awesome marriage and what it would take to get there.

2. Seeing little David's sock while I was outside working out, he was sitting at the green purple table, sitting on his purple chair, coloring, and all I could see from outside was his head and his blue sock with a baseball on it. And I thought, that's what's important to me, that's what's meaningful in my life. So I went inside and kissed him.

3. Combined Service, seeing our tech team and band do such awesome work.

4. Canela's face

5. Isabela's hugs

6. My gramma's sweaters. I love seeing her wear them, pleasant memories from when I was younger and we lived in the 1 bedroom apartment for 10 years.

7. Jesus on a cross, the book of Colossians, people like Ron, Kevin, Rimoldi that challenge me, asking me the tough questions. I can't live there, but I sometimes get tired of the yes people or the over critical people in my life.]

8. Music, Coldplay, some worship songs

Happy Thanksgiving!