Monday, November 15, 2004

Get Off the Dime, Monday

Thinking: how did last night go, how was the meeting, how did I do...the post Sunday pastor brain. Trying to stop from thinking, hardly.

So I'm off the dime. Put away a bunch of stuff in the back yard, praying, thinking, ooops, no thinking, there I go again. What's all this stuff doing back here anyway? These roots should have been taken out when I payed that guy $300.00 to take care of this! Arghh....don't get frustrated, do what's right, that was my message last night wasn't it? I hate hearing my own message notes in my head when I'm trying to focus on me. Truth, is over-rated...but I need it.

Okay, on to chest and back. I need to, last week I only did 3 workout with heavy weights and 2 aerobic, total 5. Not bad if you're a fish. But for Bombers it's gotta be 6 days with heavy weights, and superset 2 of those days with 20 mns of treadmill or run up and down Roswell Ave. So today I had to get off to a good start. Let's go. Bench, incline, pullovers, 12 sets, heavy stuff, yes, good. Back, t-bar, pullovers, deadlifts, I love deadlifts, they kill me but what a burn. 25 to failure, 4 sets, 4 sets, back is toast, but good. Abs, yes, I could do those all day, crunches, reverse, same arm and side, pectorals, serratus, the whole thing. Where's the six-pack? Went checked it out in the girl's mirror, it's the largest one in the house, it's coming along...more of a late night martini than a full on 6-pack but it's making progress....200 reps is good enough. Good workout, quick, 50 mns. and hard.

4pm teacher/parent conference for our 5 year old, she's doing well, Student of the Month and all. Nice. Just like her.....mother (father?). : ) Dentist appt this AM with our 3 year old, she used to suck her thumb a lot, she's fine though. Good teeth run on both sides.

Romans paper, from last semester, almost there. Apologetics paper#3, reading "Secular City" by Moreland, heavy stuff.

Lunch is coming, tuna, protein drink, string cheese, apple, lots of water. That's it. Then around 3pm, protein drink, yogurt, hard bioled egg. Dinner, we'll see, I've had it with grilled chicken, sorry George Foreman. Maybe we'll do salmon today, I miss the orange fish.

Get off the dime, Monday is here, get out there and live and stop thinking so much.