Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Jesus Land

This map is pretty telling. But is this good? It seems as if now White, Evangelical Christians are seen more as the enemy, as the ones to whom the rest of the country 'lost the election to.'

Is this a good or a bad thing for the Church? I wonder if there will be more people in church this Nov-Dec. Look out! Is it real? Another 9/11 bump? And what do we do? Ride the hype? Some churches certainly will.

What would I do? Call people to a genuine, authentic relationship with Jesus. I would be a great host, acknowledge people that may be 'seeking', but call their bluff as well. How many are there to be a part of the 'winnning team' but their faith is dead.

How many churches will chalk up growing numbers but do nothing with regards to the soul. Maybe, nothing will change, but I doubt it.

Link: c u l t u r e k i t c h e n.