Welcome back. You belong here.
An email I wrote to my two best friends:
"Dear friends,
Earlier today I was reading a couple of emails from my father in law's good friend John. John and Dennis have been friends for 50+ years of friendship, ministry, life, marriage, etc. John is a pastor, author and more recently the director of www.notalone.org
Today's email was written by John to Dennis (dad), and it was about Christmas Day golf. John wrote of how every year on Christmas Day he golfs 9 holes while his wife is home making dinner. They live in Scottsdale, AZ, dad of course lives here in Cypress. The email was funny, witty, with a familiarity and comfort that only comes from years and years of genuine friendship.
Earlier, John wrote another email, inviting dad to some November golfing/resort/hang-out/with friends, wives and families. They're planning ahead.
As I read the emails, I wondered who are my friends? Who will be the friends I will write emails to in my 60's regarding golf on Christmas and November hang-outs in 2010. It didn't take me long to realize you are them.
What we've experienced as we hit our 40's (yeah you're still in his 30's but he'll catch up), is priceless. We have experienced ministry up's and down's, marriage, crisis, moving, I went to CO, you to Francis Valley and back, and you, well, you're just better than us, you're still there.
It's a little different keeping up with our friendships now, things have changed, but our love remains the same. Our admiration of each other, how we refine each other, how we've been there for one another doesn't seem to change and I doubt it ever will.
We may never "do ministry" together again, but I think we're moving onto something better, what some call doing life together. I don't really know what that looks like and I don't even like the phrase, but one thing I know is that whatever life we each have remaining on this blue planet, I want to spend it with you guys."
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
What will Happen
Welcome Back. You belong here,
What will happen
If we open our hearts
If we think of another
And give ourselves away
Into the future,
What will happen
If we open our hearts
If we think of another
And give ourselves away
Into the future,
Saturday, October 24, 2009
People Pleasing or Pleasing God
Welcome back. You belong here.
Yesterday, I wrote regarding handling criticism. I sent my post to a few friends. One of them wrote me back, she is a singer and wrote of her experience with similar issues. It was great.
"I struggle with this SOOOO much as well. Since it is our "creative outlet", it cuts right to the heart when someone doesn't approve. In some cases I have been able to channel this into fueling my fire. My voice teacher will sometimes be disappointed in me, but when I come back the next week I practiced even harder and his approval means even more. God has given you such a gift and its important that you recognize that, and that HIS approval is above everyone else's. I have such a hard time with that! I am such a people pleaser, and it gets me down when I even sense disapproval. But God made us and gave us these talents, and He doesn't make mistakes."
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Yesterday, I wrote regarding handling criticism. I sent my post to a few friends. One of them wrote me back, she is a singer and wrote of her experience with similar issues. It was great.
"I struggle with this SOOOO much as well. Since it is our "creative outlet", it cuts right to the heart when someone doesn't approve. In some cases I have been able to channel this into fueling my fire. My voice teacher will sometimes be disappointed in me, but when I come back the next week I practiced even harder and his approval means even more. God has given you such a gift and its important that you recognize that, and that HIS approval is above everyone else's. I have such a hard time with that! I am such a people pleaser, and it gets me down when I even sense disapproval. But God made us and gave us these talents, and He doesn't make mistakes."
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Friday, October 23, 2009
On Criticism and Your Art/Music/Passion
Welcome back. You belong here.
This is a letter I recently sent to young worship leaders/creative types:
"Ever been criticized on your art/music area of passion? On your creative outlet, your work? Yeah, me too. It hurts. How do you guys handle it? I wanted to give you my thoughts on a recent experience I went through regarding criticism of my music and what I'm doing to work through it."
I want to tell you guys these things because I care about you and want to be an example to you when you face similar stuff. Many times, our parents, pastors, leaders, teachers, bosses, mentors only tell us their stories 'post-mortem' (that means after they're dead), but I mean "after-the fact", like "A long time ago I struggled with what you're struggling with". I want to tell you how I'm processing stuff as I deal with it, this month, this week, raw, honest, not perfect, but just as I am.
I love music, I love Jesus, I love people. Two weeks ago, during a survey we did at The Foot (Foothills) regarding Sundays, I got many, many, many positive comments, so don't think I'm asking for good feelings from anyone. But mixed in there I got some hurtful stuff, not many, but just enough to knock me off my rocker. Comments about my music, my skill set, talent, my musicianship, etc. Stuff that cut deep to how I perceive my strengths and who I am.
It hurt me and it's taken me a week or so to even know what happened! For the first few days I was all over the place, hating those people, to telling myself the worst - "I do suck!" "They are right, what am I doing playing music? I am terrible!" To the other side, just yelling and saying "They suck!" "Stupid people!" "I hate surveys!"
When things like this happen to me, especially about an area I'm passionate about, that I've been strong in for years, that I've been complimented on for years/years/years, that I've worked hard to become better at, I get anxious, I withdraw and check out. Others of you may use it as fuel to your fire. Many sports figures will say "I use those negative comments to make me better" "I'll show them kind of thing" I wish I was more that way. Instead, I pout, I get hurt and question myself and want to quit music all together.
But I'm not going to.
Instead I will use this to make me stronger and to make me better and to work on my music, but not defiantly, or to prove others wrong, mad, angry at people, or as a reaction or as a way to make me feel better and self-heal. Instead, I see this as an opportunity to improve and get better in something I love which is music.
Music is my #1 passion. Above all other things, I am addicted to music and believe it to be the reason I'm on this earth. Not to say that mentorship, mission and my other passions aren't important, but music is my first love, always has been, always will be. Even at 40, and I'm no longer in the "new artist" category by a looong shot, I still believe my best music years are ahead of me.
So this morning, instead of pouting, I put on my headphones and listened to 2-3 songs I've written in the last month and analyzed them - my skills, my voice, melodies, pitch, my thought process behind the songs. It's just me on a guitar, singing into a mic, you guys probably have 100's of such recordings, so do I!
And you know what I noticed? Two things:
1. I have some weak spots. I noticed stuff that I've always known about myself. Sometimes I go flat or sharp, sometimes my melodies or lyrics make no sense, sometimes I play the wrong chord or play off the scale. I've taken voice lessons, piano lessons, 2 years of theory, 2 years of choir, years of guitar lessons, to improve. I've spent time with great music directors who've taught me how to lead, I've spent time with amazing musicians who have taught me how to stand on a stage, how to speak in front of others. And you know what? It's time to do it again. It's been 3-4 years since I was last in a "place of learning" and the older you get, the harder it is to be in school, take lessons, etc.
But I will do it. So in the next month, I'm going to go "back to school" per say, and improve my skills, sharpen the saw, refine my musical skills and keep learning.
2. I like a lot of stuff about my music. As I listened to my songs, voice, melodies, chord progressions, intervals, ideas, etc. I often smiled. It met my standard of "good music", of something "I am proud of" and that's priceless. To be able to hear something you created and have it make you smile, it's a dream come true. And listening to my songs, I was there, taken by them into another place, imagining, crying, feeling, thinking, making life decisions (like this post). I was not filled with ego, or crazy pride or anything like that. It was just God filling my soul with hope, with his voice saying "David/Trig, I like what you're doing, I gave you those skills, songs and I want you to use them and not shy away. Keep going."
Has it been tough to hear negative comments? Yes. Is feedback hard? Yes. Do I like it? No. In fact, the survey itself was my idea and even though only 25 people or so filled it out, it was still useful, not just in positive stuff, but even in the negative hurtful stuff. I remember being afraid of the survey, no one asked me to do it, Steve didn't put a gun to my head saying, "ask people if they like your music or not". I did it on my own because I wanted to overcome the fear, the stigma. Even though I KNEW I was opening myself up to hurt, I felt God's Spirit leading me to be open and vulnerable and to grow, to trust Him in this area that's so dear to my heart.
You see, to me music is more than a talent or something I do in church. Music has been my savior. When I was 10 years old I had to leave my country, my home of Nicaragua and my mother and father, my sisters, my culture, who I was. I was raised by my grandmother in a 1 bedroom apartment, in inner city Long Beach, CA where I was the only non-English speaking, non-White kid on the block. I had no parents who drove their kids to school, with nice backpacks and cool shoes. My grandmother didn't shop at Safeway or Albertson's, instead we shopped at the corner Latino markets where the bread was a day or a week old and things were cheaper. We were Latinos, not White, and in those days, even in So Cal, it wasn't a cool thing.
I was often terrified, afraid, would cry myself to sleep at night missing my parents, feeling out of place and music and Jesus were my only comforts. I would pray and sing, pray and sing, go to church, play my guitar, sing, sing and pray some more. I would write, write and write, I probably (like many of you), have thousands, literally, thousands of notebooks filled with thoughts, songs, fragments, poems, scribbles, ideas, circles, etc. All ways for me to make sense of life. And my guitar was always my best friend.
So for some stupid person in a survey to "take away my music" is huge. And that's not how I feel anymore, they're not stupid and they're not trying to take away my life or my music. That's just my childhood speaking and my pain, and that's okay, Jesus knows me, he created me "taken and broken" as I am. I've been taken and abused by church leaders so many times, not everyone you play for or sing for cares about you, they just want your talent.
But many do care and most of all your family and our God care.
So this survey and criticism has led me to places I need to go. To process stuff with God, to even talk to counselors about this issue (not school counselors but therapists), to talk to my close friends about, my wife, even our children. To model for others honesty and being willing to fall apart in front of others, but to also reach out for the hand of God and to believe in what He wants to do in my life. And I'm not there, I'm still in process, ask me tomorrow and I may be quitting music again! But I'm fighting, and trying not to.
I may never be famous in music, it's not my personal goal (it could be yours and that's fine). My goal now as a 40 year old man, married 14 years to my love Rachelle, father to a 10 year old amazing daughter, an 8 year old beautiful girl and a 6 year old dream of a boy, my goal is to keep living, keep trusting God, keep believing, keep being myself, continue to dream and pursue life, passion, beauty, joy, dreams and reach for the stars (Psalm 8 - "when I look at the stars, what is man that you were mindful of him?)
I hope my story so far can help you, maybe this is something you just read and store away in your mind, maybe it's just nice to know. And I don't want this to become gossip or information to use against each other. But whatever it is, I want to be an example to each of you and I write to you guys because I care and you are each in my life for a reason.
I see the amazing talents in each of your lives, your dreams, your passions. But I also imagine and know a bit of your pain, your ups and downs and so I want to walk alongside of you and most of all lead you back to Jesus, our friend and ultimate guide."
Have a great day.
Into the future,
This is a letter I recently sent to young worship leaders/creative types:
"Ever been criticized on your art/music area of passion? On your creative outlet, your work? Yeah, me too. It hurts. How do you guys handle it? I wanted to give you my thoughts on a recent experience I went through regarding criticism of my music and what I'm doing to work through it."
I want to tell you guys these things because I care about you and want to be an example to you when you face similar stuff. Many times, our parents, pastors, leaders, teachers, bosses, mentors only tell us their stories 'post-mortem' (that means after they're dead), but I mean "after-the fact", like "A long time ago I struggled with what you're struggling with". I want to tell you how I'm processing stuff as I deal with it, this month, this week, raw, honest, not perfect, but just as I am.
I love music, I love Jesus, I love people. Two weeks ago, during a survey we did at The Foot (Foothills) regarding Sundays, I got many, many, many positive comments, so don't think I'm asking for good feelings from anyone. But mixed in there I got some hurtful stuff, not many, but just enough to knock me off my rocker. Comments about my music, my skill set, talent, my musicianship, etc. Stuff that cut deep to how I perceive my strengths and who I am.
It hurt me and it's taken me a week or so to even know what happened! For the first few days I was all over the place, hating those people, to telling myself the worst - "I do suck!" "They are right, what am I doing playing music? I am terrible!" To the other side, just yelling and saying "They suck!" "Stupid people!" "I hate surveys!"
When things like this happen to me, especially about an area I'm passionate about, that I've been strong in for years, that I've been complimented on for years/years/years, that I've worked hard to become better at, I get anxious, I withdraw and check out. Others of you may use it as fuel to your fire. Many sports figures will say "I use those negative comments to make me better" "I'll show them kind of thing" I wish I was more that way. Instead, I pout, I get hurt and question myself and want to quit music all together.
But I'm not going to.
Instead I will use this to make me stronger and to make me better and to work on my music, but not defiantly, or to prove others wrong, mad, angry at people, or as a reaction or as a way to make me feel better and self-heal. Instead, I see this as an opportunity to improve and get better in something I love which is music.
Music is my #1 passion. Above all other things, I am addicted to music and believe it to be the reason I'm on this earth. Not to say that mentorship, mission and my other passions aren't important, but music is my first love, always has been, always will be. Even at 40, and I'm no longer in the "new artist" category by a looong shot, I still believe my best music years are ahead of me.
So this morning, instead of pouting, I put on my headphones and listened to 2-3 songs I've written in the last month and analyzed them - my skills, my voice, melodies, pitch, my thought process behind the songs. It's just me on a guitar, singing into a mic, you guys probably have 100's of such recordings, so do I!
And you know what I noticed? Two things:
1. I have some weak spots. I noticed stuff that I've always known about myself. Sometimes I go flat or sharp, sometimes my melodies or lyrics make no sense, sometimes I play the wrong chord or play off the scale. I've taken voice lessons, piano lessons, 2 years of theory, 2 years of choir, years of guitar lessons, to improve. I've spent time with great music directors who've taught me how to lead, I've spent time with amazing musicians who have taught me how to stand on a stage, how to speak in front of others. And you know what? It's time to do it again. It's been 3-4 years since I was last in a "place of learning" and the older you get, the harder it is to be in school, take lessons, etc.
But I will do it. So in the next month, I'm going to go "back to school" per say, and improve my skills, sharpen the saw, refine my musical skills and keep learning.
2. I like a lot of stuff about my music. As I listened to my songs, voice, melodies, chord progressions, intervals, ideas, etc. I often smiled. It met my standard of "good music", of something "I am proud of" and that's priceless. To be able to hear something you created and have it make you smile, it's a dream come true. And listening to my songs, I was there, taken by them into another place, imagining, crying, feeling, thinking, making life decisions (like this post). I was not filled with ego, or crazy pride or anything like that. It was just God filling my soul with hope, with his voice saying "David/Trig, I like what you're doing, I gave you those skills, songs and I want you to use them and not shy away. Keep going."
Has it been tough to hear negative comments? Yes. Is feedback hard? Yes. Do I like it? No. In fact, the survey itself was my idea and even though only 25 people or so filled it out, it was still useful, not just in positive stuff, but even in the negative hurtful stuff. I remember being afraid of the survey, no one asked me to do it, Steve didn't put a gun to my head saying, "ask people if they like your music or not". I did it on my own because I wanted to overcome the fear, the stigma. Even though I KNEW I was opening myself up to hurt, I felt God's Spirit leading me to be open and vulnerable and to grow, to trust Him in this area that's so dear to my heart.
You see, to me music is more than a talent or something I do in church. Music has been my savior. When I was 10 years old I had to leave my country, my home of Nicaragua and my mother and father, my sisters, my culture, who I was. I was raised by my grandmother in a 1 bedroom apartment, in inner city Long Beach, CA where I was the only non-English speaking, non-White kid on the block. I had no parents who drove their kids to school, with nice backpacks and cool shoes. My grandmother didn't shop at Safeway or Albertson's, instead we shopped at the corner Latino markets where the bread was a day or a week old and things were cheaper. We were Latinos, not White, and in those days, even in So Cal, it wasn't a cool thing.
I was often terrified, afraid, would cry myself to sleep at night missing my parents, feeling out of place and music and Jesus were my only comforts. I would pray and sing, pray and sing, go to church, play my guitar, sing, sing and pray some more. I would write, write and write, I probably (like many of you), have thousands, literally, thousands of notebooks filled with thoughts, songs, fragments, poems, scribbles, ideas, circles, etc. All ways for me to make sense of life. And my guitar was always my best friend.
So for some stupid person in a survey to "take away my music" is huge. And that's not how I feel anymore, they're not stupid and they're not trying to take away my life or my music. That's just my childhood speaking and my pain, and that's okay, Jesus knows me, he created me "taken and broken" as I am. I've been taken and abused by church leaders so many times, not everyone you play for or sing for cares about you, they just want your talent.
But many do care and most of all your family and our God care.
So this survey and criticism has led me to places I need to go. To process stuff with God, to even talk to counselors about this issue (not school counselors but therapists), to talk to my close friends about, my wife, even our children. To model for others honesty and being willing to fall apart in front of others, but to also reach out for the hand of God and to believe in what He wants to do in my life. And I'm not there, I'm still in process, ask me tomorrow and I may be quitting music again! But I'm fighting, and trying not to.
I may never be famous in music, it's not my personal goal (it could be yours and that's fine). My goal now as a 40 year old man, married 14 years to my love Rachelle, father to a 10 year old amazing daughter, an 8 year old beautiful girl and a 6 year old dream of a boy, my goal is to keep living, keep trusting God, keep believing, keep being myself, continue to dream and pursue life, passion, beauty, joy, dreams and reach for the stars (Psalm 8 - "when I look at the stars, what is man that you were mindful of him?)
I hope my story so far can help you, maybe this is something you just read and store away in your mind, maybe it's just nice to know. And I don't want this to become gossip or information to use against each other. But whatever it is, I want to be an example to each of you and I write to you guys because I care and you are each in my life for a reason.
I see the amazing talents in each of your lives, your dreams, your passions. But I also imagine and know a bit of your pain, your ups and downs and so I want to walk alongside of you and most of all lead you back to Jesus, our friend and ultimate guide."
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
On Spiritual Vertigo
Welcome back. You belong here.
While we're on the theme of Vertigo, what about spiritual vertigo. Awesome post.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
While we're on the theme of Vertigo, what about spiritual vertigo. Awesome post.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Vertigo, Dizzyness and Anxiety
Welcome back. You belong here.
The last few months have been very stressful for me. In July I felt heart palpitations for 3 straight weeks while in LA, a lot of it from the fears and stress of being back at a place I consider painful.
Since then, I've been dealing with stress at work, criticism, feeling inadequate. Turning 40 this year has been a huge deal for me, it's made me feel old and like my body is falling apart. I used to be in great shape (two years ago), but the last year or so have not been great. I've eaten too much and not exercised.
Vericrose veins, overweight, teeth problems, other stuff all have bummed me out. Then my wife began to work full time for the first time in our marriage and it touches that loneliness part of me, it's been a huge change.
Moving here to CO a year and a half ago has been hard, a lot of great things, and I always feel bad because people really want your experience moving to their area to be nothing but glorious, and some of it has been. But I left the comforts of home, relationships, the affirmation, I was at the top of my game in all areas - physically, artistically, professionally, realtionships, connections, longevity, respect, etc. But the hole in my soul got exposed and the "bringing you down from the clefts of the rock" (Obadiah) began.
I have dealt with anxiety and depression my whole life. I fear dying like people in my family have, I fear I'm inadequate in my skills, I fear being left alone, I fear failing as a person, husband and father. I've been in counseling over these issues, I've just begun to scratch the surface, I'm trying to see another counselor here soon.
So with all that as backdrop, last week I began to get dizzy, Vertigo type symptoms. I'm still dealing with it. The doctors have done some tests, blood work, nothing. No CT scans or MRI's as of now, the dr. says I don't need it, that it would be very strange if I had a brain tumor or such, I'm too young. He gave me a sedative to relax.
The weekend before the Vertigo, we went up the mountains, I had been feeling pretty dehydrated all week long, then the temperature dropped about 30 degrees overnight and the Vertigo kicked in.
It could be an ear issue, it would be anxiety, it could be "who knows". I'm trying not to fear the worst, being that my grandmother died of a brain anyurism, but truth tells me that's not me. But I have a hard time believing the truth.
In Jan-Feb-March of 2006 I dealt with almost the exact thing. A lamp fell on my head in Nov. 2005, a mild concussion, not much came from it, I felt fine. Then the 1st year anniversary of my abuelita's death who died from a brain anyurism Jan. 3rd 2005 at age 78 wacked me out, and with my head feeling a bit off, I went into a downward spiral. Dizzyness, Vertigo, panic, anxiety, fear, very similar to what I'm dealing with now. That went away on its own after a few months. I have not hit my head recently or anything like that, but I have been dealing with some major stress and anxiety.
The lessons I'm trying to get into my head are two:
1. What is TRUE. True in all my areas of fear, what are lies from Satan and tapes I play that I am swallowing hook and sinker. What can I do to believe the TRUTH. It doesn't mean ignore my symptoms, but it means taking it one day at a time and not overdoing it with my fears.
2. Stand against the Lies. Satan, tapes of my past, all these things haunt me and I believe them so easily. Sometimes I'd say I'd rather believe the lies than the truth, because it feeds my "I can do this without God" syndrome which is like my addiction. My whole life since being a little boy, I have felt I'm on my own, I have to take care of myself on my own. God is sort of trust worthy, but to "walk into the propeller" or "face my fears" is not fun. I'd rather take control and maybe things will get better. This is not working for me.
So I'm in the process of believing God again. Can I trust God if I fall apart? If I have to face my fears of past failures, of inadequacy, of death/illness of being left alone. I know the answer is yes, but I don't believe it half or almost all the time. The other day I was sitting on our bench in the front porch and I realized this was a decision of "Do I believe there is a God" or "Do I take care of this on my own". How do I know I love Jesus and believe in God? That day I once again said to the heavens, "God, these are the times I know you're real, and yes, I believe in you, help me". To me that is real faith.
I find that when I cry out to God he comforts me, doesn't fix it, and this anxiety is not going away, but like Psalm 131 "I have stilled and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with his mother, so is my soul within me." I have found that God is a "stilling" God, the God who as my mom says makes me "calmadito" (calm).
The other day I spoke to a friend about all this. He said, do you have resolve in any of these areas? I said yes, this one. He said, then move it over. It's no longer in the "fear column" or the "I'm in control" column, move it over, in my words, to the "God has it" column.
He also told me that at some point in my life as I age, I need to stop looking at the past and look at the future, to say "How can I live differently from here on out?" That has hit me between the eyes. I often think, "40 more years of this! I can't do it!" I want to change for the sake of my health, my amazing wife, and our three beautiful children. Plus the call upon my life to do something significant, and wait, not to DO, but to BECOME a more peaceful, less critical, less fearful, less anxious, less selfish man. That's what I want.
I am struggling to do that with my health, getting older, feeling inadequate, thinking of past choices I've made that haunt me. But I am trying each day, each moment, to stand against the lies and pursue the truth, call the lies what they are, lies, resist the Enemy/Satan, hang out with some great friends (hopefully funny ones) and strain to hear God in the middle of it all.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
The last few months have been very stressful for me. In July I felt heart palpitations for 3 straight weeks while in LA, a lot of it from the fears and stress of being back at a place I consider painful.
Since then, I've been dealing with stress at work, criticism, feeling inadequate. Turning 40 this year has been a huge deal for me, it's made me feel old and like my body is falling apart. I used to be in great shape (two years ago), but the last year or so have not been great. I've eaten too much and not exercised.
Vericrose veins, overweight, teeth problems, other stuff all have bummed me out. Then my wife began to work full time for the first time in our marriage and it touches that loneliness part of me, it's been a huge change.
Moving here to CO a year and a half ago has been hard, a lot of great things, and I always feel bad because people really want your experience moving to their area to be nothing but glorious, and some of it has been. But I left the comforts of home, relationships, the affirmation, I was at the top of my game in all areas - physically, artistically, professionally, realtionships, connections, longevity, respect, etc. But the hole in my soul got exposed and the "bringing you down from the clefts of the rock" (Obadiah) began.
I have dealt with anxiety and depression my whole life. I fear dying like people in my family have, I fear I'm inadequate in my skills, I fear being left alone, I fear failing as a person, husband and father. I've been in counseling over these issues, I've just begun to scratch the surface, I'm trying to see another counselor here soon.
So with all that as backdrop, last week I began to get dizzy, Vertigo type symptoms. I'm still dealing with it. The doctors have done some tests, blood work, nothing. No CT scans or MRI's as of now, the dr. says I don't need it, that it would be very strange if I had a brain tumor or such, I'm too young. He gave me a sedative to relax.
The weekend before the Vertigo, we went up the mountains, I had been feeling pretty dehydrated all week long, then the temperature dropped about 30 degrees overnight and the Vertigo kicked in.
It could be an ear issue, it would be anxiety, it could be "who knows". I'm trying not to fear the worst, being that my grandmother died of a brain anyurism, but truth tells me that's not me. But I have a hard time believing the truth.
In Jan-Feb-March of 2006 I dealt with almost the exact thing. A lamp fell on my head in Nov. 2005, a mild concussion, not much came from it, I felt fine. Then the 1st year anniversary of my abuelita's death who died from a brain anyurism Jan. 3rd 2005 at age 78 wacked me out, and with my head feeling a bit off, I went into a downward spiral. Dizzyness, Vertigo, panic, anxiety, fear, very similar to what I'm dealing with now. That went away on its own after a few months. I have not hit my head recently or anything like that, but I have been dealing with some major stress and anxiety.
The lessons I'm trying to get into my head are two:
1. What is TRUE. True in all my areas of fear, what are lies from Satan and tapes I play that I am swallowing hook and sinker. What can I do to believe the TRUTH. It doesn't mean ignore my symptoms, but it means taking it one day at a time and not overdoing it with my fears.
2. Stand against the Lies. Satan, tapes of my past, all these things haunt me and I believe them so easily. Sometimes I'd say I'd rather believe the lies than the truth, because it feeds my "I can do this without God" syndrome which is like my addiction. My whole life since being a little boy, I have felt I'm on my own, I have to take care of myself on my own. God is sort of trust worthy, but to "walk into the propeller" or "face my fears" is not fun. I'd rather take control and maybe things will get better. This is not working for me.
So I'm in the process of believing God again. Can I trust God if I fall apart? If I have to face my fears of past failures, of inadequacy, of death/illness of being left alone. I know the answer is yes, but I don't believe it half or almost all the time. The other day I was sitting on our bench in the front porch and I realized this was a decision of "Do I believe there is a God" or "Do I take care of this on my own". How do I know I love Jesus and believe in God? That day I once again said to the heavens, "God, these are the times I know you're real, and yes, I believe in you, help me". To me that is real faith.
I find that when I cry out to God he comforts me, doesn't fix it, and this anxiety is not going away, but like Psalm 131 "I have stilled and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with his mother, so is my soul within me." I have found that God is a "stilling" God, the God who as my mom says makes me "calmadito" (calm).
The other day I spoke to a friend about all this. He said, do you have resolve in any of these areas? I said yes, this one. He said, then move it over. It's no longer in the "fear column" or the "I'm in control" column, move it over, in my words, to the "God has it" column.
He also told me that at some point in my life as I age, I need to stop looking at the past and look at the future, to say "How can I live differently from here on out?" That has hit me between the eyes. I often think, "40 more years of this! I can't do it!" I want to change for the sake of my health, my amazing wife, and our three beautiful children. Plus the call upon my life to do something significant, and wait, not to DO, but to BECOME a more peaceful, less critical, less fearful, less anxious, less selfish man. That's what I want.
I am struggling to do that with my health, getting older, feeling inadequate, thinking of past choices I've made that haunt me. But I am trying each day, each moment, to stand against the lies and pursue the truth, call the lies what they are, lies, resist the Enemy/Satan, hang out with some great friends (hopefully funny ones) and strain to hear God in the middle of it all.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Sunday, September 13, 2009
I Love Collaboration
Welcome back. You belong here.
One of the things I've discovered is that I enjoy collaboration. I vividly remember a few meetings when I first noticed this.
I remember I had this "creative types" call out a few years ago. About 8-10 of us gathered in a circle around 9pm on a Sunday night, actors, painters, musicians, a fun group. Looking back on that night, what I enjoyed most was "bringing people together", collaborating, working together towards a common goal, giving everyone a voice.
The second meeting was at a friend's house with a similar invite. There was a pool, lots of food and 15-20 people. When it was time to meet and talk, I did my usual asking people for their interests, got them talking (not my strength), facilitated the conversation. At the end of the meeting, a friend who'd never seen me lead teams said to me "I didn't know you could do that!"
The other day someone noticed me "at work" and wrote a few things I do when leading collaborative teams
1. Listen
2. Ask Just the Right Questions to Keep the Ball Rolling
3. Write Ideas Down
4. Listen
Collaborating is one of my joys, something I do well. Often, I find myself doing things I do average, but collaboration and facilitating innovation, creativity, communication and team work is something I do freely.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
One of the things I've discovered is that I enjoy collaboration. I vividly remember a few meetings when I first noticed this.
I remember I had this "creative types" call out a few years ago. About 8-10 of us gathered in a circle around 9pm on a Sunday night, actors, painters, musicians, a fun group. Looking back on that night, what I enjoyed most was "bringing people together", collaborating, working together towards a common goal, giving everyone a voice.
The second meeting was at a friend's house with a similar invite. There was a pool, lots of food and 15-20 people. When it was time to meet and talk, I did my usual asking people for their interests, got them talking (not my strength), facilitated the conversation. At the end of the meeting, a friend who'd never seen me lead teams said to me "I didn't know you could do that!"
The other day someone noticed me "at work" and wrote a few things I do when leading collaborative teams
1. Listen
2. Ask Just the Right Questions to Keep the Ball Rolling
3. Write Ideas Down
4. Listen
Collaborating is one of my joys, something I do well. Often, I find myself doing things I do average, but collaboration and facilitating innovation, creativity, communication and team work is something I do freely.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Saturday, August 15, 2009
In the Name
Welcome back. You belong here.
This morning my wife and I spent time doing Lectio on Psalm 143 and the verse "For Your Name's sake O GOD, give me life! In your justice, get me out of this trouble!"
For me the focus the Spirit led me to was the word "Name". Sometimes I follow names or brands, Obama, church leader's names, Apple, Google, we all tend to follow things we like. And we sometimes stand for those names, we can feel strongly about all things California, or all things Republican or Democrat.
The best thing I can do is to be about the Name of God. To let God be my focus and the Name I seek to honor and follow. At the school where I volunteer, in my relationships with friends, in how I respond to criticism in the church (yeah, shocking I know), my focus needs to be God's Name not my Name or another name.
Practically, that means spending time with people whether they know God or not, and being a man of God everywhere I go by speaking of the Name of God. In the church it can be overdone and outside the church it can hardly be done.
I hope this Fall I can focus on God's Name and have that be my inspiration to all I do.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
This morning my wife and I spent time doing Lectio on Psalm 143 and the verse "For Your Name's sake O GOD, give me life! In your justice, get me out of this trouble!"
For me the focus the Spirit led me to was the word "Name". Sometimes I follow names or brands, Obama, church leader's names, Apple, Google, we all tend to follow things we like. And we sometimes stand for those names, we can feel strongly about all things California, or all things Republican or Democrat.
The best thing I can do is to be about the Name of God. To let God be my focus and the Name I seek to honor and follow. At the school where I volunteer, in my relationships with friends, in how I respond to criticism in the church (yeah, shocking I know), my focus needs to be God's Name not my Name or another name.
Practically, that means spending time with people whether they know God or not, and being a man of God everywhere I go by speaking of the Name of God. In the church it can be overdone and outside the church it can hardly be done.
I hope this Fall I can focus on God's Name and have that be my inspiration to all I do.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Thursday, July 23, 2009
How to Speak the Truth
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The other day I had to write an email describing how I felt about an issue. How do I respond when I don't even know how I feel? What I did was write that I'm not too sure about the decision and gave a few reasons why and said that ultimately I trust their decision.
That's the best I could do.
Have a great day,
Into the future,
You belong here,
The other day I had to write an email describing how I felt about an issue. How do I respond when I don't even know how I feel? What I did was write that I'm not too sure about the decision and gave a few reasons why and said that ultimately I trust their decision.
That's the best I could do.
Have a great day,
Into the future,
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Communication in Marriage, Helping Each Other Out
Welcome back. You belong here.
I've been meaning to write this post for a while on communication in marriage and more specifically how what wife and I communicate.
Today was a perfect example. Our almost 8 year old had an allergic reaction to a cat and got a puffy eye. At the same time, our sister in law who just had a baby yesterday, called my wife needing some help as her three year old and two day old were doing what three year olds and two day olds normally do. So my wife called me to ask "I'd like to go help my sister, but our girl has a puffy eye, what shall we do?"
It was a great moment. During our daily "coffee time" where we talk in the mornings about life, our day, our feelings, etc. we had talked about working together on such moments.
So I recommended she come home and I could take care of our children and she go back to her sister's, but it's a long drive so she said she'd rather not. I then called back and recommended she go to her sister's with the children and I go pick them up so she could stay there, she said she'd rather come home being that her other sister was on her way to help with baby Sam.
I then recommended after she come home and we do the night time routine (our little ones need to be in bed by 8pm tonight!), she go back and join her sister for an impromptu "late night sister's night". That sounded like a great idea to her. It was a great moment.
This is simple, daily life stuff, nothing earth shattering. But with so many emotions in the picture, family needs and two sets of expectations, these moments can easily become a tug-of-war, a "what's more important?" our children or her baby? struggle. (And trust me, I can be a butt in those situations).
But instead we chose to communicate and work together. And it was all a result of trust in our marriage and daily, constant communication. That 2-3 minute phone conversation was a result of my wife calling to check in with me, asking for my advice which makes me feel respected and valued, and I responded in kind by offering to help and supporting her in her desire to help our sister in law.
Right now, our 8 year old is doing better, I just helped her get ready for bed. My wife is getting dinner ready, and I'm helping set-up 30mns or so of the "Polar Express". Normal stuff, normal life, but a strong commitment to communication and leaning on each other, working as one.
This is one of the things I love most about our marriage.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
I've been meaning to write this post for a while on communication in marriage and more specifically how what wife and I communicate.
Today was a perfect example. Our almost 8 year old had an allergic reaction to a cat and got a puffy eye. At the same time, our sister in law who just had a baby yesterday, called my wife needing some help as her three year old and two day old were doing what three year olds and two day olds normally do. So my wife called me to ask "I'd like to go help my sister, but our girl has a puffy eye, what shall we do?"
It was a great moment. During our daily "coffee time" where we talk in the mornings about life, our day, our feelings, etc. we had talked about working together on such moments.
So I recommended she come home and I could take care of our children and she go back to her sister's, but it's a long drive so she said she'd rather not. I then called back and recommended she go to her sister's with the children and I go pick them up so she could stay there, she said she'd rather come home being that her other sister was on her way to help with baby Sam.
I then recommended after she come home and we do the night time routine (our little ones need to be in bed by 8pm tonight!), she go back and join her sister for an impromptu "late night sister's night". That sounded like a great idea to her. It was a great moment.
This is simple, daily life stuff, nothing earth shattering. But with so many emotions in the picture, family needs and two sets of expectations, these moments can easily become a tug-of-war, a "what's more important?" our children or her baby? struggle. (And trust me, I can be a butt in those situations).
But instead we chose to communicate and work together. And it was all a result of trust in our marriage and daily, constant communication. That 2-3 minute phone conversation was a result of my wife calling to check in with me, asking for my advice which makes me feel respected and valued, and I responded in kind by offering to help and supporting her in her desire to help our sister in law.
Right now, our 8 year old is doing better, I just helped her get ready for bed. My wife is getting dinner ready, and I'm helping set-up 30mns or so of the "Polar Express". Normal stuff, normal life, but a strong commitment to communication and leaning on each other, working as one.
This is one of the things I love most about our marriage.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Friday, July 17, 2009
I'm Tired of Social Media
Welcome back. You belong here.
I'm into social media, from the MySpace days to yesterday's Facebook and the current Twitter. I use my iPhone and TweetDeck to tweet and try to keep up with the latest apps out there. But I'm getting tired of the whole thing.
Here's why....
It all seems fake to me. In my life, I need more "human interaction" not less. As a musician, as a person helping others form, as a creative type, as a collaborator and innovator, one thing I've learned is that it's about sitting in a room, bringing people together and watching things take off.
In fact, three months ago I cancelled my Facebook account (no easy task), a few years ago I stopped using MySpace and stopped doing Podcasts. Recently I stopped using iGoogle and I'm days/weeks away from closing down my Twitter account. Btw, I think blogging has more "legs" than the rest and as a writer, I'll keep blogging.
Now, I've never been more excited about Innovation, Collaboration and Communication, bringing people together. I'm still a huge fan of the phone (duh!), and email, Google Docs, of Blogger and the WeatherChannel on my iPhone. I'm still a huge fan of Evernote, Basecamp and Remember the Milk. I'm also a huge fan of talking to people one on one, imagine that.
But social media and Web 2.0? I don't buy it. I've been there done that and have not seen it improve my life style that much (now, I must admit that my Innovation network on Twitter has led me to some great links.)
My plan is to let social media run it's course and slowly watch it leave my screen and life style. Soon, the latest and greatest app will catch my eye, I'll try it for a few months and discard it like an old pair of socks.
At the end of the day, I'd rather spend my time talking to people in real life or emailing them pictures (or video thank you 3GS) of my son's birthday piñata than updating my status every 10mns.
It's just not that important.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
I'm into social media, from the MySpace days to yesterday's Facebook and the current Twitter. I use my iPhone and TweetDeck to tweet and try to keep up with the latest apps out there. But I'm getting tired of the whole thing.
Here's why....
It all seems fake to me. In my life, I need more "human interaction" not less. As a musician, as a person helping others form, as a creative type, as a collaborator and innovator, one thing I've learned is that it's about sitting in a room, bringing people together and watching things take off.
In fact, three months ago I cancelled my Facebook account (no easy task), a few years ago I stopped using MySpace and stopped doing Podcasts. Recently I stopped using iGoogle and I'm days/weeks away from closing down my Twitter account. Btw, I think blogging has more "legs" than the rest and as a writer, I'll keep blogging.
Now, I've never been more excited about Innovation, Collaboration and Communication, bringing people together. I'm still a huge fan of the phone (duh!), and email, Google Docs, of Blogger and the WeatherChannel on my iPhone. I'm still a huge fan of Evernote, Basecamp and Remember the Milk. I'm also a huge fan of talking to people one on one, imagine that.
But social media and Web 2.0? I don't buy it. I've been there done that and have not seen it improve my life style that much (now, I must admit that my Innovation network on Twitter has led me to some great links.)
My plan is to let social media run it's course and slowly watch it leave my screen and life style. Soon, the latest and greatest app will catch my eye, I'll try it for a few months and discard it like an old pair of socks.
At the end of the day, I'd rather spend my time talking to people in real life or emailing them pictures (or video thank you 3GS) of my son's birthday piñata than updating my status every 10mns.
It's just not that important.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Friday, June 26, 2009
The Launch Went Great, Now the Work Begins
Welcome back. You belong here.
The launch of our Communication, Innovation, Collaboration (CIC or KICK) team went amazing, now the real work begins. The four members of our team presented, and we debuted The Rack, our communication site.
During our Q&A people asked three common questions:
1. Will this mean more meetings?
2. How will this benefit my department?
3. What about the admin assistants, what is our role?
Over the next few weeks, we will follow up with everyone at our launch (about 12 people) to answer their questions and help them apply these principles to their areas.
Our KICK Team, which is the four of us at the helm of this process of Innovation, Collaboration and Communication are continuing to discuss our new roles, our next steps and starting on our first project: August Agenda.
Our three major projects are:
1. Human Trafficking Sunday
2. Launch of Elijah Series called "Braveheart"
3. Free Zone Services Sunday
Have a great day.
Into the future,
The launch of our Communication, Innovation, Collaboration (CIC or KICK) team went amazing, now the real work begins. The four members of our team presented, and we debuted The Rack, our communication site.
During our Q&A people asked three common questions:
1. Will this mean more meetings?
2. How will this benefit my department?
3. What about the admin assistants, what is our role?
Over the next few weeks, we will follow up with everyone at our launch (about 12 people) to answer their questions and help them apply these principles to their areas.
Our KICK Team, which is the four of us at the helm of this process of Innovation, Collaboration and Communication are continuing to discuss our new roles, our next steps and starting on our first project: August Agenda.
Our three major projects are:
1. Human Trafficking Sunday
2. Launch of Elijah Series called "Braveheart"
3. Free Zone Services Sunday
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Reflections on This Day...
Welcome back. You belong here.
Perhaps part of the whole of being a father is being loved by a father(s).
I lost my father almost 10 years ago, it seems like yesterday. In reality, I feel I lost my father countless times prior to that, not because he wasn't around, but due to the war in Nicaragua which caused me to grow up without him at age 12.
Since then, my actual father (mi padre, David Trigueros Sandoval as I called him) loved me every day of his life, through letters, phone calls, 2-3 visits in 15+ years. I spent 2-3 weeks with him a few months before he died. I flew from LAX to Miami to Managua on Dec. 31st (around midnight) on the day he died. He loved me until the very end.
I have also had other fathers along the way:
1. Ray Ramos - my pastor when I was in high school. He believed in me, gave me a chance to do Bible studies, lead music
2. Dad Baker - my father in law. During the low times in my life, loss of my dad, in marriage, in ministry, he showed me grace, took me to basketball games to help me distract, gave me words of kindness and perspective
3. Steve Harling - my current pastor here in Colorado. I've known him for about 5 years; he's been to my house in Long Beach, CA and now working together, I see his character and example first hand.
So today, I called Steve, left him a voice mail and told him how I feel about him. I am grateful that although mi padre is gone, God continues to bring men around me to help me along.
Perhaps this is part of the whole of what it means to be a father, to love our children and those around me, but to also continue to receive and remain a son.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Perhaps part of the whole of being a father is being loved by a father(s).
I lost my father almost 10 years ago, it seems like yesterday. In reality, I feel I lost my father countless times prior to that, not because he wasn't around, but due to the war in Nicaragua which caused me to grow up without him at age 12.
Since then, my actual father (mi padre, David Trigueros Sandoval as I called him) loved me every day of his life, through letters, phone calls, 2-3 visits in 15+ years. I spent 2-3 weeks with him a few months before he died. I flew from LAX to Miami to Managua on Dec. 31st (around midnight) on the day he died. He loved me until the very end.
I have also had other fathers along the way:
1. Ray Ramos - my pastor when I was in high school. He believed in me, gave me a chance to do Bible studies, lead music
2. Dad Baker - my father in law. During the low times in my life, loss of my dad, in marriage, in ministry, he showed me grace, took me to basketball games to help me distract, gave me words of kindness and perspective
3. Steve Harling - my current pastor here in Colorado. I've known him for about 5 years; he's been to my house in Long Beach, CA and now working together, I see his character and example first hand.
So today, I called Steve, left him a voice mail and told him how I feel about him. I am grateful that although mi padre is gone, God continues to bring men around me to help me along.
Perhaps this is part of the whole of what it means to be a father, to love our children and those around me, but to also continue to receive and remain a son.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Communication Team Goes Live Next Week
Welcome back. You belong here.
Over the last few months, I've been blogging here about Communication, Innovation, Collaboration. Our Communication Team has been preparing for the launch of this effort. Well, the time has come, next week we're going LIVE.
Our team is ready and eager to address some of the issues ahead of us. We're working on the tools, the system, the brand, obstacles and definetly planning on having fun.
Should go well. I'll have more to post once we get this off the ground.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Over the last few months, I've been blogging here about Communication, Innovation, Collaboration. Our Communication Team has been preparing for the launch of this effort. Well, the time has come, next week we're going LIVE.
Our team is ready and eager to address some of the issues ahead of us. We're working on the tools, the system, the brand, obstacles and definetly planning on having fun.
Should go well. I'll have more to post once we get this off the ground.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Friday, May 29, 2009
Sparking Imagination in Others
Welcome back. You belong here.
A couple of days ago I was at our boy's K-graduation, very beautiful. It was outdoors, and behind the ampitheatre, were 5 or so posts, bare, with nothing on them.
Guess what I said to myself "we need to communicate on those posts!" I imagined banners waving in the beautiful warm sun, filled with our values "diversity - accessability - creativity."
After the event, I spoke to Lisa who is a parent and a painter. She told me she agreed with my perspective and that she was willing to work on this project. She's into "value-driven art". The conversation seemed to spark her imagination.
Graduations are the perfect time to communicate core values. It is a time when parents come on campus for the first or second time all year.
The organizations that major on communication at these type of "first-impression" events, can go a long way in gaining followers and greater support.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
A couple of days ago I was at our boy's K-graduation, very beautiful. It was outdoors, and behind the ampitheatre, were 5 or so posts, bare, with nothing on them.
Guess what I said to myself "we need to communicate on those posts!" I imagined banners waving in the beautiful warm sun, filled with our values "diversity - accessability - creativity."
After the event, I spoke to Lisa who is a parent and a painter. She told me she agreed with my perspective and that she was willing to work on this project. She's into "value-driven art". The conversation seemed to spark her imagination.
Graduations are the perfect time to communicate core values. It is a time when parents come on campus for the first or second time all year.
The organizations that major on communication at these type of "first-impression" events, can go a long way in gaining followers and greater support.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Be True
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Watching Larry King tonight, I kept hearing "Be yourself, be true."
It fills me with confidence and motivates me to continue being myself. I just wished I had learned to by myself in my 20's. In many ways, I feel I have spent 10-20 years being somebody else, someone safe who others would like or not be offended by.
I don't mean to offend anyone, but often being myself means others will not like what I have to say, it's not the norm, the conservative path of what others expect. But I feel this year is my year to be true to myself.
Spiritual formation, communication and collaboration, social justice, equality, immigration reform and calling out racism and abuse, are some of the themes that are true to my passions and gifting. My commitment to myself and to others is to persevere and become stronger and stronger in who I am.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Watching Larry King tonight, I kept hearing "Be yourself, be true."
It fills me with confidence and motivates me to continue being myself. I just wished I had learned to by myself in my 20's. In many ways, I feel I have spent 10-20 years being somebody else, someone safe who others would like or not be offended by.
I don't mean to offend anyone, but often being myself means others will not like what I have to say, it's not the norm, the conservative path of what others expect. But I feel this year is my year to be true to myself.
Spiritual formation, communication and collaboration, social justice, equality, immigration reform and calling out racism and abuse, are some of the themes that are true to my passions and gifting. My commitment to myself and to others is to persevere and become stronger and stronger in who I am.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Friday, May 15, 2009
Communication Diagrams

Welcome back. You belong here.
I'm trying to refine my previous communication grid, but I can't seem to find anything good online.
This can't be that difficult. I just need a simple communication diagram. This is a start...but it's missing the OUTPUT and FEEDBACK loops.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Mujeres arrestas en Postville, Iowa, recibieron permisos temporales de Inmigracion
Welcome back. You belong here.
A good sign among the cruel realities of the biggest raid in the history of the US, May 12 2008 in Iowa, 389 people were arrested or deported, mostly from Guatemala and Mexico.
Spanish: Mujeres arrestas en Postville, Iowa, recibieron permisos temporales de Inmigracion
"Pero casi 50 mujeres quedaron en libertad por razones humanitarias (cuidado de hijos menores de edad), aunque desde entonces deben llevar un brazalete electr�nico y cumplir con otras condiciones impuestas por la justicia federal."
Have a great day.
Into the future,
A good sign among the cruel realities of the biggest raid in the history of the US, May 12 2008 in Iowa, 389 people were arrested or deported, mostly from Guatemala and Mexico.
Spanish: Mujeres arrestas en Postville, Iowa, recibieron permisos temporales de Inmigracion
"Pero casi 50 mujeres quedaron en libertad por razones humanitarias (cuidado de hijos menores de edad), aunque desde entonces deben llevar un brazalete electr�nico y cumplir con otras condiciones impuestas por la justicia federal."
Have a great day.
Into the future,
World Innovation Forum Wrapup
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The wrap-up for the World Innovation Forum is here. I followed it online. My favorite speaker was Vijay Govindarajan.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
The wrap-up for the World Innovation Forum is here. I followed it online. My favorite speaker was Vijay Govindarajan.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Creating a Culture of Continuous Innovation
Welcome back. You belong here.
The World Innovation Conference ended a few weeks ago with some great insights. Here the Top 10 Challenges (and ideas for solutions) of Innovation.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
The World Innovation Conference ended a few weeks ago with some great insights. Here the Top 10 Challenges (and ideas for solutions) of Innovation.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Friday, May 08, 2009
Immigration, Language - How to Communicate
Welcome back. You belong here.
Language and communication is such an important issue with regards to Immigration (and I don't mean learning Spanish). I mean, how do you present it so that both citizens and non-citizens can put fear or anger aside and have a conversation.
Yesterday, Jenn Piper from the Americans Friends Service Committee, an Immigration Reform Advocacy group, came to EL Foster Elementary, a 50% Latino school where our children attend and we volunteer. We set-up an immigration info table and sat together at the table, met parents and staff and pointed to the ticket table a lot (we were between the ticket and college fund tables).
Our sign said "Knowing Your Neighbor"/"Conociendo a Nuestros Vecinos". Jenn used great language to communicate with people:
"learn about other cultures"
"adults coming together to educate one other"
"a conversation on immigration"
"we're talking ABOUT Immigration, we're not FROM Immigration"
"we advocate Immigrant reform"
"our system is broken"
"my brother also struggles with undocumented workers, we talk about it"
"do you think a follow up seminar would be a good thing in the Fall"
We met over 20 staff and key leaders, 10-12 parents that spoke to us and had about 200+ parents see our table. An amazing start. Jenn taught me a lot regarding language and communication in dealing with this difficult issue.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Language and communication is such an important issue with regards to Immigration (and I don't mean learning Spanish). I mean, how do you present it so that both citizens and non-citizens can put fear or anger aside and have a conversation.
Yesterday, Jenn Piper from the Americans Friends Service Committee, an Immigration Reform Advocacy group, came to EL Foster Elementary, a 50% Latino school where our children attend and we volunteer. We set-up an immigration info table and sat together at the table, met parents and staff and pointed to the ticket table a lot (we were between the ticket and college fund tables).
Our sign said "Knowing Your Neighbor"/"Conociendo a Nuestros Vecinos". Jenn used great language to communicate with people:
"learn about other cultures"
"adults coming together to educate one other"
"a conversation on immigration"
"we're talking ABOUT Immigration, we're not FROM Immigration"
"we advocate Immigrant reform"
"our system is broken"
"my brother also struggles with undocumented workers, we talk about it"
"do you think a follow up seminar would be a good thing in the Fall"
We met over 20 staff and key leaders, 10-12 parents that spoke to us and had about 200+ parents see our table. An amazing start. Jenn taught me a lot regarding language and communication in dealing with this difficult issue.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Communication Grid

Welcome back. You belong here.
My Communication Grid. The circles are "communication balls" that get dropped. My job is to develop a culture that picks them up off the floor.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Monday, May 04, 2009
Is that a Good Sign? I Don't Think So
Welcome back. You belong here.
Back at work, communication breakdowns in many places. I spoke to one of our producers today and she was pretty frustrated at the "lack of communication." How many times have you heard that?
Looking back at last week (I was off last week), the issue is nobody picked up the "communication ball" (I should coin that, I just did!).
Logistics were not communicated, info was not transfered and people were frustrated. At one event this last week, 20 people didn't know whether to eat or not eat. One thing I've learned: never mess around with people's food!
So the "communication ball" got dropped. I usually carry that ball and run with it, but it got dropped while I was gone. Is this a good thing? Do I feel important and special? No.
This tells me it's still "My Ball to Carry" which means I have to do a better job of creating a culture of communication and train the "communication team" to carry the ball and catch it when I'm gone. Someone needs to be the point person on communication, know what this means (big job) and run with it.
Another lesson is not to play the "blame game". No one is to blame! The Communication Ball is to blame. The main thing again, is not to blame and make anyone feel bad, instead to call them to communication and following the line all the way to the end. That's what I'm going to do.
Good lessons...
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Back at work, communication breakdowns in many places. I spoke to one of our producers today and she was pretty frustrated at the "lack of communication." How many times have you heard that?
Looking back at last week (I was off last week), the issue is nobody picked up the "communication ball" (I should coin that, I just did!).
Logistics were not communicated, info was not transfered and people were frustrated. At one event this last week, 20 people didn't know whether to eat or not eat. One thing I've learned: never mess around with people's food!
So the "communication ball" got dropped. I usually carry that ball and run with it, but it got dropped while I was gone. Is this a good thing? Do I feel important and special? No.
This tells me it's still "My Ball to Carry" which means I have to do a better job of creating a culture of communication and train the "communication team" to carry the ball and catch it when I'm gone. Someone needs to be the point person on communication, know what this means (big job) and run with it.
Another lesson is not to play the "blame game". No one is to blame! The Communication Ball is to blame. The main thing again, is not to blame and make anyone feel bad, instead to call them to communication and following the line all the way to the end. That's what I'm going to do.
Good lessons...
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Rules of Power Point
Welcome back. You belong here.
I prefer Keynote, but rules still apply.
rules of powerpoint
optimal slides in a powerpoint is TEN
give slides in 20 minutes
most of the time, people need 45 minutes to get the laptop to work with the projector
optimal point font size is 30 points
rule of thumb: take the oldest person in the audience, divide their age by two and that's your optimal font
Have a great day.
Into the future,
I prefer Keynote, but rules still apply.
rules of powerpoint
optimal slides in a powerpoint is TEN
give slides in 20 minutes
most of the time, people need 45 minutes to get the laptop to work with the projector
optimal point font size is 30 points
rule of thumb: take the oldest person in the audience, divide their age by two and that's your optimal font
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Friday, May 01, 2009
Getting in the Way of Progress
Welcome back. You belong here.
Leaders do get discouraged and sometimes even quit when the status quo gets in the way of change.
From a friend who recently quit due to opposition to progress:
"I'm sorry you didn't know that I was leaving. It has been quite the fuel for the gossip fire lately. I resigned because I love... and still want to hang out and be part of the community.
There are people and organizations in .{AUTHORITY}... that are determined to stall any progress or change in .{AUTHORITY}.... I'm a lover not a fighter and I cant take it anymore...I don't have any words of wisdom or suggestions to be honest. Please continue to work with...{AUTHORITY}.. You are awesome and I appreciate all your support!"
How painful.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Leaders do get discouraged and sometimes even quit when the status quo gets in the way of change.
From a friend who recently quit due to opposition to progress:
"I'm sorry you didn't know that I was leaving. It has been quite the fuel for the gossip fire lately. I resigned because I love... and still want to hang out and be part of the community.
There are people and organizations in .{AUTHORITY}... that are determined to stall any progress or change in .{AUTHORITY}.... I'm a lover not a fighter and I cant take it anymore...I don't have any words of wisdom or suggestions to be honest. Please continue to work with...{AUTHORITY}.. You are awesome and I appreciate all your support!"
How painful.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Family Council, Sundays at 5pm
Welcome back. You belong here.
This one is not on innovation, but on something deeper, on my amazing life with my wife and children and Family Council, so maybe it is on innovation, communication and collaboration after all.
We just finished Family Council, and it was amazing, one of the best ones in a long time. What is FC?
My wife and I, and our three children, 10, 7.5 and 5.5 all talk for 1.5 hour, I know pretty unheard of, but it's true. We have an "emotions" sheet with about a hundred emotions on it and some (not all) of us use it to answer the transcendent question "how do you feel?"
We do that for a while, all of us involved, asking questions of each other, commenting, processing out loud (even our 5.5 year old boy). Today we had laughter and even tears, we felt very close to each other.
We do this every Sunday night and then we have popsicles!
Have a great day.
Into the future,
This one is not on innovation, but on something deeper, on my amazing life with my wife and children and Family Council, so maybe it is on innovation, communication and collaboration after all.
We just finished Family Council, and it was amazing, one of the best ones in a long time. What is FC?
My wife and I, and our three children, 10, 7.5 and 5.5 all talk for 1.5 hour, I know pretty unheard of, but it's true. We have an "emotions" sheet with about a hundred emotions on it and some (not all) of us use it to answer the transcendent question "how do you feel?"
We do that for a while, all of us involved, asking questions of each other, commenting, processing out loud (even our 5.5 year old boy). Today we had laughter and even tears, we felt very close to each other.
We do this every Sunday night and then we have popsicles!
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Do You have a Meeting Problem?
Welcome back. You belong here.
Seth's Blog: Getting serious about your meeting problem. I'm going to try #4 and #5...
4. Remove all the chairs from the conference room. I'm serious.
5. If someone is more than two minutes later than the last person to the meeting, they have to pay a fine of $10 to the coffee fund.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Seth's Blog: Getting serious about your meeting problem. I'm going to try #4 and #5...
4. Remove all the chairs from the conference room. I'm serious.
5. If someone is more than two minutes later than the last person to the meeting, they have to pay a fine of $10 to the coffee fund.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Are You a Visionary Leader?
Welcome back. You belong here.
These are the traits visionary leaders posses, plus being very bad at details and thinking too much!
"Visionary leaders possess many traits, including: The unique ability to see exactly where they want to go. Plus, being emotionally connected to where they want to be. The ability to help people around them see the same vision with distinct clarity—as well as evoke an emotional connection to the organization’s goals. The key here is for them to understand what the benefits are to them—job security, monetary rewards, public recognition or better lifestyle at the organization."
Have a great day.
Into the future,
These are the traits visionary leaders posses, plus being very bad at details and thinking too much!
"Visionary leaders possess many traits, including: The unique ability to see exactly where they want to go. Plus, being emotionally connected to where they want to be. The ability to help people around them see the same vision with distinct clarity—as well as evoke an emotional connection to the organization’s goals. The key here is for them to understand what the benefits are to them—job security, monetary rewards, public recognition or better lifestyle at the organization."
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Companies Increase Innovation Spending
Welcome back. You belong here.
During this recessions, wages and jobs are decreasing, but companies are increasing Innovation spending. "The Innovation Climate Survey also asked practitioners what innovation strategies they were using:
- Looking for creative ways to improve or extend your existing products (50.9%)
- Looking for opportunities to improve collaboration (47.2%)
-Increasing focus on changing customer needs (39.8%)
- Focusing on service innovation (38.1%)
- Focusing on process innovation (36.4%)"
Have a great day.
Into the future,
During this recessions, wages and jobs are decreasing, but companies are increasing Innovation spending. "The Innovation Climate Survey also asked practitioners what innovation strategies they were using:
- Looking for creative ways to improve or extend your existing products (50.9%)
- Looking for opportunities to improve collaboration (47.2%)
-Increasing focus on changing customer needs (39.8%)
- Focusing on service innovation (38.1%)
- Focusing on process innovation (36.4%)"
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Innovation: Ten Rules for Strategic Innovators
Welcome back. You belong here.
Listening to podcast by Dr. Vijay Govindarajan of the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth: Innovation: Ten Rules for Strategic Innovators:
1. Box#1 - Manage the Present
2. Box#2 - Selectively Forget the Past
3. Box#3 - Create the Future
Most companies focus on Box#1. Innovation is about Box#2 and #3. Strategy is about what to do across the three boxes. 5 years of recession mean 5 years of success. 30% of companies died in the previous 2000-2001 recession because they did not innovate. 20-30% of your time needs to go to Innovation.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Listening to podcast by Dr. Vijay Govindarajan of the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth: Innovation: Ten Rules for Strategic Innovators:
1. Box#1 - Manage the Present
2. Box#2 - Selectively Forget the Past
3. Box#3 - Create the Future
Most companies focus on Box#1. Innovation is about Box#2 and #3. Strategy is about what to do across the three boxes. 5 years of recession mean 5 years of success. 30% of companies died in the previous 2000-2001 recession because they did not innovate. 20-30% of your time needs to go to Innovation.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Friday, April 24, 2009
Catalyst West: Guy Kawasaki
Welcome back. You belong here.
Following updates from the Catalyst West Conference in Los Angeles, CA. Guy Kawasaki spoke yesterday on Leadership, Innovation and Partnerships, my kind of topic!
Here are some of my favorite quotes:
The reason you have to hire someone from the outside is because there's no one on your team that can do it
Hire outside meeting facilitator ... help communicate, bond
if you truly want to be innovative, create MEANING
change the world
The Art of Innovation
here today to talk about innovation
Innovation is a skill that can be applied in any circumstance
wendy's mantra should be "healthy fast food"
Nike's mantra should be "authentic athletic performance"
FedEx's mantra should be "peace of mind"
about the perspective of innovation. What is innovation?
It is not about doing it better ... it is about doing it 10 times better!
most organizations define who they are by what they do
you need to jump a curve
create a curve
from 50,000 ft view to 5,000 ft view
Great innovation is DEEP: lots of power
Metal clip on the bottom of your sandal that opens beer bottles
Great Innovation is INTELLIGENT
Great Innovation is COMPLETE
great churches are complete - have good day care!
The Lexus is a "complete" experience
Great Innovation is ELEGANT
Great Innovation is EMOTIVE
you love them or you hate them
the concept of a church that appeals to everybody is MISSION IMPOSSIBLE
if you try to appeal to everybody, you will end up with mediocrity
totally downing Toyota Scion Xb
Toyota, why did you hire the guy who got fired from Volvo to design the Xb?
don't intentionally anger people
but if you create something great, you will create controversy
better to have people that love AND hate your stuff
than a group of people who are apathetic
what abotu the people that are rejecting your church?
Should I chase those that are rejecting your church?
if people don't get it in the first 15 minutes, they won't ever get
don't chase 'em
as an innovator, you have to be in denial
ignore the bozos
once you ship, you have to listen again
learn to evolve your product
Graph: Unique on the vertical
Value on the horizontal
if you're like everyone else, it's always about price
if you're truly unique, there's little value ... you're just stupid ... you own a market that doesn't exist
what is it that you are unique that makes you special?
is your specialness valuable?
be unique and valuable
all the marketing boils down to unique and valuable
as a leader, you need to learn to pitch
pitch for sales
pitch for money
rules of powerpoint
optimal slides in a powerpoint is TEN
give slides in 20 minutes
most of the time, people need 45 minutes to get the laptop to work with the projector
optimal point font size is 30 points
rule of thumb: take the oldest person in the audience, divide their age by two and that's your optimal font
he's selling church.alltop.com
he's doing a twayer (twitter prayer)
Dear God: Thank you for this opportunity to serve. Let your innovation shine & make the world a better place for al people. Amen. #catwestc
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Following updates from the Catalyst West Conference in Los Angeles, CA. Guy Kawasaki spoke yesterday on Leadership, Innovation and Partnerships, my kind of topic!
Here are some of my favorite quotes:
The reason you have to hire someone from the outside is because there's no one on your team that can do it
Hire outside meeting facilitator ... help communicate, bond
if you truly want to be innovative, create MEANING
change the world
The Art of Innovation
here today to talk about innovation
Innovation is a skill that can be applied in any circumstance
wendy's mantra should be "healthy fast food"
Nike's mantra should be "authentic athletic performance"
FedEx's mantra should be "peace of mind"
about the perspective of innovation. What is innovation?
It is not about doing it better ... it is about doing it 10 times better!
most organizations define who they are by what they do
you need to jump a curve
create a curve
from 50,000 ft view to 5,000 ft view
Great innovation is DEEP: lots of power
Metal clip on the bottom of your sandal that opens beer bottles
Great Innovation is INTELLIGENT
Great Innovation is COMPLETE
great churches are complete - have good day care!
The Lexus is a "complete" experience
Great Innovation is ELEGANT
Great Innovation is EMOTIVE
you love them or you hate them
the concept of a church that appeals to everybody is MISSION IMPOSSIBLE
if you try to appeal to everybody, you will end up with mediocrity
totally downing Toyota Scion Xb
Toyota, why did you hire the guy who got fired from Volvo to design the Xb?
don't intentionally anger people
but if you create something great, you will create controversy
better to have people that love AND hate your stuff
than a group of people who are apathetic
what abotu the people that are rejecting your church?
Should I chase those that are rejecting your church?
if people don't get it in the first 15 minutes, they won't ever get
don't chase 'em
as an innovator, you have to be in denial
ignore the bozos
once you ship, you have to listen again
learn to evolve your product
Graph: Unique on the vertical
Value on the horizontal
if you're like everyone else, it's always about price
if you're truly unique, there's little value ... you're just stupid ... you own a market that doesn't exist
what is it that you are unique that makes you special?
is your specialness valuable?
be unique and valuable
all the marketing boils down to unique and valuable
as a leader, you need to learn to pitch
pitch for sales
pitch for money
rules of powerpoint
optimal slides in a powerpoint is TEN
give slides in 20 minutes
most of the time, people need 45 minutes to get the laptop to work with the projector
optimal point font size is 30 points
rule of thumb: take the oldest person in the audience, divide their age by two and that's your optimal font
he's selling church.alltop.com
he's doing a twayer (twitter prayer)
Dear God: Thank you for this opportunity to serve. Let your innovation shine & make the world a better place for al people. Amen. #catwestc
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Welcome to Serve.gov
Welcome back. You belong here.
I believe sites like Serve.gov are going to lead the way in helping people find their passion and connect them with opportunities to serve.
This helps all of us "Answer the Call" and get involved in our communities. I typed in "Mentorship/Arvada, CO" and got 5 opp's. Awesome. Check it out.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
I believe sites like Serve.gov are going to lead the way in helping people find their passion and connect them with opportunities to serve.
This helps all of us "Answer the Call" and get involved in our communities. I typed in "Mentorship/Arvada, CO" and got 5 opp's. Awesome. Check it out.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Perception, Communication and Missionaries
Welcome back. You belong here.
What is a missionary?
In church, when people talk about "missionaries" most of us think of boring slide shows during Sunday night church.
Much of missions work has changed, you look at the websites of known mission groups such as World Vision and Children's Hunger Fund and they emphasize stories and involvement over maps.
Nonetheless, at the local church level, most people hear the word "global missions", and they check out, they say "it's not for me."
My job is to try and help change this perception through communication, collaboration and innovation, basically bringing people together.
Simple things such as moving away from language such as "Missions Sundays" and towards "Fulfilling Your Dreams" will go a long way in helping people discover their passion. We want to emphasize that God created each of us for good, for a purpose, but that life, business, brokenness and pain sometimes causes us to lose our way, never finding our passion in life.
Here's a similar recent quote from President Obama on "A Call to Service":
"We need your service, right now, at this moment in history. I’m not going to tell you what your role should be; that’s for you to discover. But I’m asking you to stand up and play your part. I’m asking you to help change history’s course. Put your shoulder up against the wheel. And if you do, I promise you – your life will be richer, our country will be stronger, and someday, years from now, you may remember it as the moment when your own story and the American story converged, when they came together, and we met the challenges of our new century."
If we help people understand they are uniquely made and created for good deeds and if that passion happens to be global awareness, eliminating malaria or stopping human trafficking, the better still.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
What is a missionary?
In church, when people talk about "missionaries" most of us think of boring slide shows during Sunday night church.
Much of missions work has changed, you look at the websites of known mission groups such as World Vision and Children's Hunger Fund and they emphasize stories and involvement over maps.
Nonetheless, at the local church level, most people hear the word "global missions", and they check out, they say "it's not for me."
My job is to try and help change this perception through communication, collaboration and innovation, basically bringing people together.
Simple things such as moving away from language such as "Missions Sundays" and towards "Fulfilling Your Dreams" will go a long way in helping people discover their passion. We want to emphasize that God created each of us for good, for a purpose, but that life, business, brokenness and pain sometimes causes us to lose our way, never finding our passion in life.
Here's a similar recent quote from President Obama on "A Call to Service":
"We need your service, right now, at this moment in history. I’m not going to tell you what your role should be; that’s for you to discover. But I’m asking you to stand up and play your part. I’m asking you to help change history’s course. Put your shoulder up against the wheel. And if you do, I promise you – your life will be richer, our country will be stronger, and someday, years from now, you may remember it as the moment when your own story and the American story converged, when they came together, and we met the challenges of our new century."
If we help people understand they are uniquely made and created for good deeds and if that passion happens to be global awareness, eliminating malaria or stopping human trafficking, the better still.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Communication is Big Need at Local School
Welcome back. You belong here.
Last night we had a meeting at the elementary school where our three children attend. After a lengthy conversation on communication where parents expressed their concerns over the poor communication between students and teachers, I knew I could help.
After all, this blog is about my speciality - Communication, Innovation and Collaboration - Bringing People Together.
I spoke to the team that is working in this area and offered my help. They recently went to another local school who is known for their good communication, they brought back some great ideas. They seemed open and interested.
I told them of two things that would help our communication right away:
1. Collaboration - instead of waiting to hire a web master, ask the receptionists to print newsletters, instead, let's do this together, teachers, students and parents. Great Ideas will come from these groups.
2. Technology - is the #1 way to accomplish this. Collaborative websites such as Google Docs are free and can be used by many users
In the future, I hope to help my school in this area and to be the Communication Specialist on their volunteer staff.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Last night we had a meeting at the elementary school where our three children attend. After a lengthy conversation on communication where parents expressed their concerns over the poor communication between students and teachers, I knew I could help.
After all, this blog is about my speciality - Communication, Innovation and Collaboration - Bringing People Together.
I spoke to the team that is working in this area and offered my help. They recently went to another local school who is known for their good communication, they brought back some great ideas. They seemed open and interested.
I told them of two things that would help our communication right away:
1. Collaboration - instead of waiting to hire a web master, ask the receptionists to print newsletters, instead, let's do this together, teachers, students and parents. Great Ideas will come from these groups.
2. Technology - is the #1 way to accomplish this. Collaborative websites such as Google Docs are free and can be used by many users
In the future, I hope to help my school in this area and to be the Communication Specialist on their volunteer staff.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Erase and Reinstall
Welcome back. You belong here.
Sometimes all that's left to do is: Erase and Reinstall.
MacBookPro, running better.
Sometimes all that's left to do is: Erase and Reinstall.
MacBookPro, running better.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Upward Movement
Welcome back. You belong here.
There are two areas of upward movement I'd like to see in the future. Two areas I have a passion for, combined with my core calling: music/mentorship/mission. They are:
1. Spiritual Formation and
2. Communication/Collaboration and Innovation - Bringing People Together
These are two areas I'd love to add to my job description in the future. I'm already doing both, doing them well and they would make me feel even more actualized professionally.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
There are two areas of upward movement I'd like to see in the future. Two areas I have a passion for, combined with my core calling: music/mentorship/mission. They are:
1. Spiritual Formation and
2. Communication/Collaboration and Innovation - Bringing People Together
These are two areas I'd love to add to my job description in the future. I'm already doing both, doing them well and they would make me feel even more actualized professionally.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Snow is Coming
Welcome back. You belong here.
This is the part of living in Denver, CO that I don't like. Snow and cold over the next 2-3 days. No!!
36.5 °F
Rain Light Snow
Humidity: 93%
Wind: Calm
Visibility: 5.0 miles
Dew Point: 35 °F
Precipitation: 60% chance of rain
Air quality: Good
Pressure: 30.09 in
UV: 0
Observed at: I-70 and Kipling, Arvada, CO
Updated: 9:50 PM MDT on April 16, 2009
32° | 31°
40° | 31°
Have a great day.
Into the future,
This is the part of living in Denver, CO that I don't like. Snow and cold over the next 2-3 days. No!!
36.5 °F
Rain Light Snow
Humidity: 93%
Wind: Calm
Visibility: 5.0 miles
Dew Point: 35 °F
Precipitation: 60% chance of rain
Air quality: Good
Pressure: 30.09 in
UV: 0
Observed at: I-70 and Kipling, Arvada, CO
Updated: 9:50 PM MDT on April 16, 2009
32° | 31°
40° | 31°
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
My Three Loves
Welcome back. You belong here.
In case you're wondering, there are thee things I love (professionally), they are my 3 M's:
1. Music
2. Mentorship
3. Mission
There's a fourth which is not an M - Communication, Innovation and Collaboration.
My other loves are my wife, Jesus, our three children, Nicaragua, my abuelita, my mom and dad, exercise and a few others.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
In case you're wondering, there are thee things I love (professionally), they are my 3 M's:
1. Music
2. Mentorship
3. Mission
There's a fourth which is not an M - Communication, Innovation and Collaboration.
My other loves are my wife, Jesus, our three children, Nicaragua, my abuelita, my mom and dad, exercise and a few others.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Held Up Google Docs and iPhone
Welcome back. You belong here.
Today at staff meeting we talked about communication and Google Calendars. My great moment came when I help up my laptop (I magnified it to 300%) showing my Google Docs to the whole staff. I got a few oooh's and ahhh's. Cool.
Even cooler was when I grabbed my iPhone and put it next to my laptop with Google Docs loaded on my iPhone. More oooh's and ahhhh's.
You know what's even cooler than that? I grabbed my neighbor's iPhone (with his permission), loaded Google Calendar on his iPhone and put both phones next to my laptop. Now that was cool.
This is why I totally agree with this post: There are only two kinds of people, ones who have switched to iPhone and the ones who eventually will.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Today at staff meeting we talked about communication and Google Calendars. My great moment came when I help up my laptop (I magnified it to 300%) showing my Google Docs to the whole staff. I got a few oooh's and ahhh's. Cool.
Even cooler was when I grabbed my iPhone and put it next to my laptop with Google Docs loaded on my iPhone. More oooh's and ahhhh's.
You know what's even cooler than that? I grabbed my neighbor's iPhone (with his permission), loaded Google Calendar on his iPhone and put both phones next to my laptop. Now that was cool.
This is why I totally agree with this post: There are only two kinds of people, ones who have switched to iPhone and the ones who eventually will.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Adopting New Ideas by Using Them
Welcome back. You belong here.
I still have a long way to go in verbalizing my ideas to others, often I lead by example and do things in hopes others will follow. Sometimes that works, sometimes not.
Example - How do you get your team to use Google Docs when they're used to paper copies, email attachments, etc. I first stated using Google Docs myself a few years ago but I've never been effective at getting others to also use them. So I started inviting others to collaborate on a document, (not very successful). Now, I run meetings off my laptop and instead of a handout, I use Google Docs.
This has brought everyone on the team to the same place, using the same technology at the same time in real time. It's efficient, saves trees and therefore the environment, it's collaborative, efficient, dynamic, changes are seen immediately, anyone can edit the docs and most of all new media skills and knowledge (Web 2.0) is transfered to others in a peaceful manner.
No one was even hurt.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
I still have a long way to go in verbalizing my ideas to others, often I lead by example and do things in hopes others will follow. Sometimes that works, sometimes not.
Example - How do you get your team to use Google Docs when they're used to paper copies, email attachments, etc. I first stated using Google Docs myself a few years ago but I've never been effective at getting others to also use them. So I started inviting others to collaborate on a document, (not very successful). Now, I run meetings off my laptop and instead of a handout, I use Google Docs.
This has brought everyone on the team to the same place, using the same technology at the same time in real time. It's efficient, saves trees and therefore the environment, it's collaborative, efficient, dynamic, changes are seen immediately, anyone can edit the docs and most of all new media skills and knowledge (Web 2.0) is transfered to others in a peaceful manner.
No one was even hurt.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
To Do
Welcome back. You belong here.
I've never felt so excited about the events I'm involved in both inside and outside the church. But some weeks, the to do list gets long, especially post-Easter. I'm feeling a bit stressed. Here's the list:
To Do's...
1. Finish taking pictures of parents who volunteer at EL Foster, and post them on PTO bulletin board by next Monday
2. Meet with Jenny Piper (immigration advocate and speaker) regarding Immigration Seminar at EL Foster, Sat. April 25th. Invite Spanish church that meets at Foothills
3. Make 20+ fundraising phone calls for Gold Strike Festival, 8000 people, June 2009
4. Get Worship Training Seminar event planned and organized for May 2009
5. Meet with Danielle from Old Town regarding New Art
6. Put video together for "Ideation Conference" by May 15, 2009
7. Help Heather set-up benefit concert for needy family, June 2009
Better get moving. The #1 problem is that post-Easter I have ZERO energy.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
I've never felt so excited about the events I'm involved in both inside and outside the church. But some weeks, the to do list gets long, especially post-Easter. I'm feeling a bit stressed. Here's the list:
To Do's...
1. Finish taking pictures of parents who volunteer at EL Foster, and post them on PTO bulletin board by next Monday
2. Meet with Jenny Piper (immigration advocate and speaker) regarding Immigration Seminar at EL Foster, Sat. April 25th. Invite Spanish church that meets at Foothills
3. Make 20+ fundraising phone calls for Gold Strike Festival, 8000 people, June 2009
4. Get Worship Training Seminar event planned and organized for May 2009
5. Meet with Danielle from Old Town regarding New Art
6. Put video together for "Ideation Conference" by May 15, 2009
7. Help Heather set-up benefit concert for needy family, June 2009
Better get moving. The #1 problem is that post-Easter I have ZERO energy.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Artists and Change
Welcome back. You belong here.
Today I spoke to a friend who's a painter. She has been involved in Art events in Arvada, CO but has found them lacking. I told her I agree, it's a problem I've seen at the Arts in Old Town meetings I attend, old school meets new school, money goes to the old and not enough to innovation.
She said she wants to help, but I'm not sure how to involve her. All I've got right now is a monthly meeting and she's not much for meetings, she's an artist.
What can be done? One thing I can do is to encourage her to get involved in our Summer Festival called "Gold Strike" (terrible name). Perhaps she can do a booth of her artwork, and include other like minded people.
Artists like her need the roads cleared and the paths to smell like new earth, to feel like there's hope and change is possible. Just talking today was a little bit of that, like we can make a difference. I told her that I'm hoping to encourage change by attending these boring meetings and to show that I'm committed to what's going on now yet have a passion for the new.
Our executive director also needs our help, I just don't always know how to help her. I think I need to meet with her 1-1 or with my friend and figure out if we can start our own branch called "New Art in Arvada". There are at least two projects we can help with, a mural in Old Town and an Art Walk.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Today I spoke to a friend who's a painter. She has been involved in Art events in Arvada, CO but has found them lacking. I told her I agree, it's a problem I've seen at the Arts in Old Town meetings I attend, old school meets new school, money goes to the old and not enough to innovation.
She said she wants to help, but I'm not sure how to involve her. All I've got right now is a monthly meeting and she's not much for meetings, she's an artist.
What can be done? One thing I can do is to encourage her to get involved in our Summer Festival called "Gold Strike" (terrible name). Perhaps she can do a booth of her artwork, and include other like minded people.
Artists like her need the roads cleared and the paths to smell like new earth, to feel like there's hope and change is possible. Just talking today was a little bit of that, like we can make a difference. I told her that I'm hoping to encourage change by attending these boring meetings and to show that I'm committed to what's going on now yet have a passion for the new.
Our executive director also needs our help, I just don't always know how to help her. I think I need to meet with her 1-1 or with my friend and figure out if we can start our own branch called "New Art in Arvada". There are at least two projects we can help with, a mural in Old Town and an Art Walk.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Dealing with Disappointment
Welcome back. You belong here.
Today I spoke to a friend who didn't get the job he was hoping for. He felt suited for the position, but it went to someone who had been in the organization longer. He felt pretty down and wondered what to do next.
What advice can you give in these situations? The first thing is to not make any drastic conclusions right away. Many times, the emotion and pain of not getting the job can cloud wise decisions. Second, seek wisdom, wait on God, seek council. Lastly, ask yourself, is there truth in the decision, is there something to learn from. But most of all, never stop believing!
For my friend, I agree he didn't have the longevity and perhaps this isn't quite the time, but I also see tremendous fit between the position and his skills. Somewhere, someday he will find his nitch.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Today I spoke to a friend who didn't get the job he was hoping for. He felt suited for the position, but it went to someone who had been in the organization longer. He felt pretty down and wondered what to do next.
What advice can you give in these situations? The first thing is to not make any drastic conclusions right away. Many times, the emotion and pain of not getting the job can cloud wise decisions. Second, seek wisdom, wait on God, seek council. Lastly, ask yourself, is there truth in the decision, is there something to learn from. But most of all, never stop believing!
For my friend, I agree he didn't have the longevity and perhaps this isn't quite the time, but I also see tremendous fit between the position and his skills. Somewhere, someday he will find his nitch.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
As a Result of Your Feedback
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Feedback is something our implementation team is trying to figure out. How do we close the feedback loop, from input, to analysis, response and notable change. One of the phrases we're beginning to use is the phrase "as a result of your feedback."
This tells the user that first your feedback was heard, second, your feedback is important to us, and lastly, your feedback actually did something. Of course, not all feedback is implemented but it's all useful.
Currently, we have an online feedback form for our weekend producers. We're now working on a feedback form for the audience.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Feedback is something our implementation team is trying to figure out. How do we close the feedback loop, from input, to analysis, response and notable change. One of the phrases we're beginning to use is the phrase "as a result of your feedback."
This tells the user that first your feedback was heard, second, your feedback is important to us, and lastly, your feedback actually did something. Of course, not all feedback is implemented but it's all useful.
Currently, we have an online feedback form for our weekend producers. We're now working on a feedback form for the audience.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Ideation Experience Challenge
Welcome back. You belong here.
I will be entering this challenge in July (if I get accepted) regarding Innovation and Ideation in the church. Here are some samples.
Here's the challenge: Your idea could be a concept, it could be a tool, it could be a way of looking at the world, a theory, a what-if or why not; it could be an enabling technology or a new way to get more done with less effort. Whatever it is, we want to hear it…we want to see it…we may even want to live it.
Because of the nature of this experience we are limiting the participants to 65 people. Therefore we need to get all applications before inviting this select group. The deadline for applications is May 15, 2009 and we will let you know of your acceptance or non-acceptance by May 19th.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
I will be entering this challenge in July (if I get accepted) regarding Innovation and Ideation in the church. Here are some samples.
Here's the challenge: Your idea could be a concept, it could be a tool, it could be a way of looking at the world, a theory, a what-if or why not; it could be an enabling technology or a new way to get more done with less effort. Whatever it is, we want to hear it…we want to see it…we may even want to live it.
Because of the nature of this experience we are limiting the participants to 65 people. Therefore we need to get all applications before inviting this select group. The deadline for applications is May 15, 2009 and we will let you know of your acceptance or non-acceptance by May 19th.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Friday, April 10, 2009
Good Friday 09 at Foothills. A Labyrinth like experience, Friday, April 10th, 5-9pm. 400 walked through.
Monday, April 06, 2009
Innovation is Sexy Again
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Innovation will pay. It will be on the TOP of every organization's money making, job making, reformation list.
One of my favorite parts of the interview with Department of Education Secretary Arne Duncan was that by April 17th "we want to be the place that builds up innovation and new practices. We want to shine the spotlight on people who are driving dramatic reform."
More Duncan: "Why haven't we gone to where we need to go in education? Money, courage, adult dysfunction....We are pushing to see adults behave differently...If all we do is replicate the same fights we're not going to get very far...We will put more money on the table for those who think and behave differently." He also spoke of the Innovation Fund.
Have a great day. Into the future,
Innovation will pay. It will be on the TOP of every organization's money making, job making, reformation list.
One of my favorite parts of the interview with Department of Education Secretary Arne Duncan was that by April 17th "we want to be the place that builds up innovation and new practices. We want to shine the spotlight on people who are driving dramatic reform."
More Duncan: "Why haven't we gone to where we need to go in education? Money, courage, adult dysfunction....We are pushing to see adults behave differently...If all we do is replicate the same fights we're not going to get very far...We will put more money on the table for those who think and behave differently." He also spoke of the Innovation Fund.
Have a great day. Into the future,
The White House/Education Site
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I don't know if it's Obama or the web or both, but for the first time ever, I am actually reading the White House website and finding useful information such as the President's Agenda (think today's Turkey speech).
There I found links the Department of Education Secretary Arne Duncan and a recent video stream re. the $44 Billion Education Recovery Act and how much money is coming to Colorado. Good stuff.
Have a great day. Into the future,
I don't know if it's Obama or the web or both, but for the first time ever, I am actually reading the White House website and finding useful information such as the President's Agenda (think today's Turkey speech).
There I found links the Department of Education Secretary Arne Duncan and a recent video stream re. the $44 Billion Education Recovery Act and how much money is coming to Colorado. Good stuff.
Have a great day. Into the future,
I Know C++
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I remember when I graduated college in CS Engineering (CSULB ,'93), basically writing code in C and C++, they posted a list of top earning jobs with CSE at the top at $80k back in 1993.
It seems I could be making much more than that now even in this economy writing Apps for Apple.
Have a great day. Into the future,
I remember when I graduated college in CS Engineering (CSULB ,'93), basically writing code in C and C++, they posted a list of top earning jobs with CSE at the top at $80k back in 1993.
It seems I could be making much more than that now even in this economy writing Apps for Apple.
Have a great day. Into the future,
John Hope Franklin on Civil Rights
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It never ceases to amaze me the eloquency combined with the strength of men like John Hope Franklin "The Prince", who died March 09 at age 94.
Here are some of his quotes, from a recent Charlie Rose interview
1. On Civil Rights - the failure of the civil rights movement today is not the lack of leadership but that it's not about getting people into a restaurant, but about the person being able to order something at the restaurant, because they have the economic means to do so.
- On the name "African American" - I don't like it, rather it be Negroes. We've been called Colored, Negroes, Blacks, and now African Americans
- On Race - to try to persuade this country to see the past and concede that not enough has been done, to be prepared to do more towards unity and to carry this country forward as a nation undivided racially
- How to you change minds/attitudes? Through leadership and action
- On moving into a White neighborhood in Brooklyn - When they saw I was civilized, didn't run down the neighborhood and I added to the neighborhood, people began to treat me as part of the community. In the end some even said they'd miss me. Even if their hearts weren't changed, I achieved the right to move into a place where I can afford. If they hate me for it, that's their problem. But every American should be able to live where they want to live.
- We haven't really tested integration. Anyone who says they want separatism, hasn't lived through separatism
- Orchids are not tropical, they grow in Michigan, NY and South Carolina, the variety is endless, durable, hardy, require knowledge
- What Would you want said of you - That I was a serious, skilled and able teacher
- My Students - I've learned a great deal from my students in technology, their reactions, they live in a world I'm only slightly acquainted with, I was limited by the kind of education I had, context, the lack of embracing certain fields in HS and college, they were linguists, travelled, burning desire for knowledge, they had perspectives I did not have, information, reactions to experiences and they shared these things with me. I was learning from them all the time.
Have a great day. Into the future,
It never ceases to amaze me the eloquency combined with the strength of men like John Hope Franklin "The Prince", who died March 09 at age 94.
Here are some of his quotes, from a recent Charlie Rose interview
1. On Civil Rights - the failure of the civil rights movement today is not the lack of leadership but that it's not about getting people into a restaurant, but about the person being able to order something at the restaurant, because they have the economic means to do so.
- On the name "African American" - I don't like it, rather it be Negroes. We've been called Colored, Negroes, Blacks, and now African Americans
- On Race - to try to persuade this country to see the past and concede that not enough has been done, to be prepared to do more towards unity and to carry this country forward as a nation undivided racially
- How to you change minds/attitudes? Through leadership and action
- On moving into a White neighborhood in Brooklyn - When they saw I was civilized, didn't run down the neighborhood and I added to the neighborhood, people began to treat me as part of the community. In the end some even said they'd miss me. Even if their hearts weren't changed, I achieved the right to move into a place where I can afford. If they hate me for it, that's their problem. But every American should be able to live where they want to live.
- We haven't really tested integration. Anyone who says they want separatism, hasn't lived through separatism
- Orchids are not tropical, they grow in Michigan, NY and South Carolina, the variety is endless, durable, hardy, require knowledge
- What Would you want said of you - That I was a serious, skilled and able teacher
- My Students - I've learned a great deal from my students in technology, their reactions, they live in a world I'm only slightly acquainted with, I was limited by the kind of education I had, context, the lack of embracing certain fields in HS and college, they were linguists, travelled, burning desire for knowledge, they had perspectives I did not have, information, reactions to experiences and they shared these things with me. I was learning from them all the time.
Have a great day. Into the future,
Meet N Greet
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A new idea we're putting into place in May is a Meet-N-Greet for new artisans (not the coolest name). Usually, people that join our creative team get to know the leaders and each other pretty organically which is the best way.
But I also think it's good to do something semi-casual, where we can meet each other, ask questions, have a few drinks, a few laughs, go through the basic vision of the team and answer any questions the new artisans might have.
This allows the new people to meet the existing group in a bit more formal yet still casual way.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
A new idea we're putting into place in May is a Meet-N-Greet for new artisans (not the coolest name). Usually, people that join our creative team get to know the leaders and each other pretty organically which is the best way.
But I also think it's good to do something semi-casual, where we can meet each other, ask questions, have a few drinks, a few laughs, go through the basic vision of the team and answer any questions the new artisans might have.
This allows the new people to meet the existing group in a bit more formal yet still casual way.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Easter Week Music Plans
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This week is Easter and for the creative teams of most churches, this is a big week. How to make a timeless story, fresh, meaningful, unchanged yet in tune with today's questions and needs. Things are pretty much in place for us. What am I looking forward to?
First, the Seder Dinner on Thursday night, I'm looking forward to seeing this come together, we have over 125 signed up. It's the first time for Foothills.
Second, Good Friday, this year it's called "The Dwelling Place Within" it's a labyrinth experience, open house from 5-9pm. Our team has put together a tabernacle walk through for the evening. Third, 6am Sunrise Survice outdoors in Denver, CO. I'm looking forward to doing it, it'll be cold, maybe very cold, but it should be fun.
Easter Services:
Seder Dinner - Thursday, April 9th, 6pm
Good Friday Experience - Friday, April 10th, 5-9pm
Easter Sunday: 6am, 8am, 9:30am, 11am
This week is Easter and for the creative teams of most churches, this is a big week. How to make a timeless story, fresh, meaningful, unchanged yet in tune with today's questions and needs. Things are pretty much in place for us. What am I looking forward to?
First, the Seder Dinner on Thursday night, I'm looking forward to seeing this come together, we have over 125 signed up. It's the first time for Foothills.
Second, Good Friday, this year it's called "The Dwelling Place Within" it's a labyrinth experience, open house from 5-9pm. Our team has put together a tabernacle walk through for the evening. Third, 6am Sunrise Survice outdoors in Denver, CO. I'm looking forward to doing it, it'll be cold, maybe very cold, but it should be fun.
Easter Services:
Seder Dinner - Thursday, April 9th, 6pm
Good Friday Experience - Friday, April 10th, 5-9pm
Easter Sunday: 6am, 8am, 9:30am, 11am
Welcome back. You belong here.
It was nice to drive through NM, AZ, CA, UT, CO in the last week or so, you see a lot of architecture. Probably the architecture I enjoyed the most was in Santa Fe, NM. The houses, new or old, all have the same Santa Fe look, and instead of being on a flat surface, they are on the side of a hill.
I was impressed how new homes all fit the look of this traditional city. It would be easy for a developer (and I'm sure many have tried), to change Santa Fe, to make it more Denver or LA. That would be crazy. Instead, there's a consistency to this city that is very attractive.
Have a great day,
Into the future,
It was nice to drive through NM, AZ, CA, UT, CO in the last week or so, you see a lot of architecture. Probably the architecture I enjoyed the most was in Santa Fe, NM. The houses, new or old, all have the same Santa Fe look, and instead of being on a flat surface, they are on the side of a hill.
I was impressed how new homes all fit the look of this traditional city. It would be easy for a developer (and I'm sure many have tried), to change Santa Fe, to make it more Denver or LA. That would be crazy. Instead, there's a consistency to this city that is very attractive.
Have a great day,
Into the future,
Saturday, April 04, 2009
So Raise the Fees
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Denver-LB flight can't stop! So raise the fees! JetBlue considers leaving Long Beach Airport.
Have a great day,
Into the future,
Denver-LB flight can't stop! So raise the fees! JetBlue considers leaving Long Beach Airport.
Have a great day,
Into the future,
My Travel Summary
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Currently in New Mexico (Sheridan Hotel), we drove (all 5 of us, 3 children) 13hrs today from LA to Albuquerque, NM (nice town, btw). Tomorrow we drive into Denver, CO. Roads should be pretty clear but very cold (30's).
Have a great day,
Into the future,
Currently in New Mexico (Sheridan Hotel), we drove (all 5 of us, 3 children) 13hrs today from LA to Albuquerque, NM (nice town, btw). Tomorrow we drive into Denver, CO. Roads should be pretty clear but very cold (30's).
Have a great day,
Into the future,
Friday, April 03, 2009
I Could Be Totally Wrong
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When collaborating with creative types it's very important (especially if you are the default team leader), to let everyone know you could be wrong. Sometimes a person can express an opinion that can hurt other people's feelings or quench the creative process.
Adding a phrase like "you know I could be totally wrong here" can help keep lines of communication open.
Have a great day,
Into the future,
When collaborating with creative types it's very important (especially if you are the default team leader), to let everyone know you could be wrong. Sometimes a person can express an opinion that can hurt other people's feelings or quench the creative process.
Adding a phrase like "you know I could be totally wrong here" can help keep lines of communication open.
Have a great day,
Into the future,
Twitter Training
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Today I did a Twitter tutorial for a friend. He didn't buy it, but I did answer his biggest question which was, "why do I need it?" I told him he'd have to figure out the why, but here are some reasons why he might want to consider it:
1. Share information
2. Network
3. Training
4. Feeling that others want to know what you're up to
Have a great day,
Into the future,
Today I did a Twitter tutorial for a friend. He didn't buy it, but I did answer his biggest question which was, "why do I need it?" I told him he'd have to figure out the why, but here are some reasons why he might want to consider it:
1. Share information
2. Network
3. Training
4. Feeling that others want to know what you're up to
Have a great day,
Into the future,
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Guatemala, Denver and Spanish Classes
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An interesting project out there is bringing together Spanish teachers from Guatemala and Nicaragua with children of EL Foster's dual immersion program. There's a huge need and market in this area. We would use technology such as Skype and make it very affordable.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
An interesting project out there is bringing together Spanish teachers from Guatemala and Nicaragua with children of EL Foster's dual immersion program. There's a huge need and market in this area. We would use technology such as Skype and make it very affordable.
Have a great day.
Into the future,
Big Announcement: New Blog Focus
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Ok, I just made up my mind in the last 5mns. The official focus of this blog will now be:
Starting today, this blog will deal with "bringing people together for communication and innovation..." It brings together the great passions of mine, yeap, communication, innovation and collaboration (bringing people together). Genius.Even the header of this blog has changed, check it out. Of course, I will still write about my family and random things once in a while.
I like it already.
Have a great day,
Into the future,
Ok, I just made up my mind in the last 5mns. The official focus of this blog will now be:
Starting today, this blog will deal with "bringing people together for communication and innovation..." It brings together the great passions of mine, yeap, communication, innovation and collaboration (bringing people together). Genius.Even the header of this blog has changed, check it out. Of course, I will still write about my family and random things once in a while.
I like it already.
Have a great day,
Into the future,
Wednesdays, 12-4pm
Welcome back. You belong here.
The other day a friend was telling me he wants to quit his job and try something different. I told him that instead of quitting and trying something new and untested, he should start by talking to his current boss and ask for permission to network with others Wednesdays from 12-4pm. I don't mean that he's getting time off to go look for a new job, that'd be a stupid boss!
What I mean is why not make his organization better, by making himself better. And how does he do that? By testing his skills on others.
I recommend he take some time every week, 3-4 hours a week to network, to mentor another company and see how he does. If he does well, every one wins. He feels more confident and like he's following his dream, the company has a better and happier employee who's making the company look good with others, and the new people are glad to have an expert in hand.
It's the Google 20% rule, at Google you can spend 20% of your time on "things you care about." They find that 100% of their innovation, comes from this 20%. I do this in my current job and many of my "great ideas" come from this 20%.
Win/Win Baby.
Have a great day,
Into the future,
The other day a friend was telling me he wants to quit his job and try something different. I told him that instead of quitting and trying something new and untested, he should start by talking to his current boss and ask for permission to network with others Wednesdays from 12-4pm. I don't mean that he's getting time off to go look for a new job, that'd be a stupid boss!
What I mean is why not make his organization better, by making himself better. And how does he do that? By testing his skills on others.
I recommend he take some time every week, 3-4 hours a week to network, to mentor another company and see how he does. If he does well, every one wins. He feels more confident and like he's following his dream, the company has a better and happier employee who's making the company look good with others, and the new people are glad to have an expert in hand.
It's the Google 20% rule, at Google you can spend 20% of your time on "things you care about." They find that 100% of their innovation, comes from this 20%. I do this in my current job and many of my "great ideas" come from this 20%.
Win/Win Baby.
Have a great day,
Into the future,
Buy EJ's
Welcome back. You belong here.
Today I spoke to a friend who's trying to figure out if he likes his job or not. He's being offered a different position within his company, but it doesn't sound like him to me. I told him, what's your Big Adventure! Mine is to someday run for City Council or start my own Creativity and Communication Business. He didn't have an answer.
I said to him, "why don't you seek a one million dollar donor, go to EJ Malloy's, ask to speak to the manager and then the owner and tell him, I'd like to buy your store." He lit up and said, "I think I can do that...."
Have a great day,
Into the future,
Today I spoke to a friend who's trying to figure out if he likes his job or not. He's being offered a different position within his company, but it doesn't sound like him to me. I told him, what's your Big Adventure! Mine is to someday run for City Council or start my own Creativity and Communication Business. He didn't have an answer.
I said to him, "why don't you seek a one million dollar donor, go to EJ Malloy's, ask to speak to the manager and then the owner and tell him, I'd like to buy your store." He lit up and said, "I think I can do that...."
Have a great day,
Into the future,
How Often
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My blogging here has slowed down this year. I'm also blogging at Real Life Stimulus where I chronicle stories of life transformation in my every day life.
Some of my friends blog trivial stuff 4-5x/day, others blog good stuff 1x/week. I blog stuff about 1-2x/month. I think I need to pick up the pace and start making stuff up (as long as it's focused around my theme which is still pending).
Have a great day,
Into the future,
My blogging here has slowed down this year. I'm also blogging at Real Life Stimulus where I chronicle stories of life transformation in my every day life.
Some of my friends blog trivial stuff 4-5x/day, others blog good stuff 1x/week. I blog stuff about 1-2x/month. I think I need to pick up the pace and start making stuff up (as long as it's focused around my theme which is still pending).
Have a great day,
Into the future,
Focus of this Blog
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I need to focus this blog around a certain topic, but I'm not sure which. So far, this blog has been a collection of themes without a particular focus.
So here are some possible themes for my blog:
- Honesty and Hope (hmmmm, I've never been able to be honest in a blog)
- Roots and the Future (thoughts on my childhood and how it shapes me today)
- A Politician in the Making (someday, I'd like to be in politics)
- Connections I See (stories of how I see things connecting, people, thoughts, organizations)
- Technology and Music (yawwwwnnnnn....)
- Communication (probably my favorite so far)
- Creating Open Systems for Maximum Impact (another favorite)
Well, there you have it. As you can see I'm lost. But I'll keep thinking about this.
Have a great day,
Into the future,
I need to focus this blog around a certain topic, but I'm not sure which. So far, this blog has been a collection of themes without a particular focus.
So here are some possible themes for my blog:
- Honesty and Hope (hmmmm, I've never been able to be honest in a blog)
- Roots and the Future (thoughts on my childhood and how it shapes me today)
- A Politician in the Making (someday, I'd like to be in politics)
- Connections I See (stories of how I see things connecting, people, thoughts, organizations)
- Technology and Music (yawwwwnnnnn....)
- Communication (probably my favorite so far)
- Creating Open Systems for Maximum Impact (another favorite)
Well, there you have it. As you can see I'm lost. But I'll keep thinking about this.
Have a great day,
Into the future,
Welcome back. You belong here.
Last night I went out with a good friend and he asked me some questions that made me remember some pretty painful stuff. It was good to let it all out, the hurt, the pain. In the end he told me I was ready to let it all out, and that perhaps prior to that I hadn't been able to do so.
I think he was right. It felt true, good, true, accurate, raw but true to say what I said. It was interesting.
Have a great day,
Into the future,
Last night I went out with a good friend and he asked me some questions that made me remember some pretty painful stuff. It was good to let it all out, the hurt, the pain. In the end he told me I was ready to let it all out, and that perhaps prior to that I hadn't been able to do so.
I think he was right. It felt true, good, true, accurate, raw but true to say what I said. It was interesting.
Have a great day,
Into the future,
@dtrigueros - Twitter
Welcome back. You belong here.
A few months ago I officially deleted my Facebook account and have been on Twitter exclusively since then. Twitter just makes better sense to me. You can follow me on Twitter @dtrigueros.
Have a great day,
Into the future,
A few months ago I officially deleted my Facebook account and have been on Twitter exclusively since then. Twitter just makes better sense to me. You can follow me on Twitter @dtrigueros.
Have a great day,
Into the future,
Saturday, March 28, 2009
I Miss My Mom
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I miss my mom. I was looking at pictures of her today and it made me miss her. I live so far from her (she lives in Nicaragua), it's been almost two years since I last saw her. It's been too long.
A year ago we thought she'd come live with us, but it didn't happen. We then moved to Colorado and life changed. We've now been here a year, and perhaps she can come be with us in 2010. Perhaps everything has a perfect time and place and purpose I can't see. All I know, is that I'd like to see her sooner than later.
Have a great day,
Into the future,
I miss my mom. I was looking at pictures of her today and it made me miss her. I live so far from her (she lives in Nicaragua), it's been almost two years since I last saw her. It's been too long.
A year ago we thought she'd come live with us, but it didn't happen. We then moved to Colorado and life changed. We've now been here a year, and perhaps she can come be with us in 2010. Perhaps everything has a perfect time and place and purpose I can't see. All I know, is that I'd like to see her sooner than later.
Have a great day,
Into the future,
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Friday, March 06, 2009
RTD and Arvada

Welcome back. You belong here.
I'm part of the Arts in Old Town Committee. One of the issues Arvada is dealing with is the building of an RTD Fast Trak light rail. The Arts in Old Town committee is involved because the station would require design and art.
This map explains the current proposal. The Red Heart is the station coming to Arvada/Wheat Ridge.
Black - New rail line or extension
Red - Existing rail line
Have a great day,
Into the future,
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Famous Sister
Welcome back. You belong here.
So I have a famous sister (in law). Over the weekend she hung out with a group of friends at Brian McLaren's house.
To me, that makes her famous. Awesome.
Have a great day,
Into the future,
So I have a famous sister (in law). Over the weekend she hung out with a group of friends at Brian McLaren's house.
To me, that makes her famous. Awesome.
Have a great day,
Into the future,
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Ted and Gayle Quotes
Welcome back. You belong here.
Quotes from the interview with Tedd Haggard on Larry King Live:
"I tried to pray more, fast, be more spiritual. But reading my Bible made me worst"
"Mr. Jones rescued me, I am thankful for him"
"These feelings are not a choice"
"I lost the ability to seek God"
"I became world wide unrighteous"
"It was just a disaster"
"I don't think the boxes work for me, I have some thoughts that don't fit the boxes"
"Jesus has never ever drawn away from me"
"I never thought of leaving the faith"
"Superstitions of the faith"
"I need mercy and grace"
"I do know he's a sinner"
"We had a great sexual relationship in our marriage"
"It had it's seasons of distance"
"I knew he had struggles in his thoughts"
"I'm willing to go through the process"
Have a great day,
Into the future,
Quotes from the interview with Tedd Haggard on Larry King Live:
"I tried to pray more, fast, be more spiritual. But reading my Bible made me worst"
"Mr. Jones rescued me, I am thankful for him"
"These feelings are not a choice"
"I lost the ability to seek God"
"I became world wide unrighteous"
"It was just a disaster"
"I don't think the boxes work for me, I have some thoughts that don't fit the boxes"
"Jesus has never ever drawn away from me"
"I never thought of leaving the faith"
"Superstitions of the faith"
"I need mercy and grace"
"I do know he's a sinner"
"We had a great sexual relationship in our marriage"
"It had it's seasons of distance"
"I knew he had struggles in his thoughts"
"I'm willing to go through the process"
Have a great day,
Into the future,
Friday, January 16, 2009
MLK and Tuesday
Welcome back. You belong here.
Today I was at our children's Martin Luther King's assembly. It was a time of poems, readings, songs all dealing with MLK's life changing speech "I Have a Dream." There were many moving moments for me as I saw 300+ children (over 60% of them of Latino decent, including our three, in the only dual immersion school in suburban mostly White Arvada, Colorado) take part and learn about this amazing man.
One moment in particular was a reading of examples of discrimination in the 60's. One read something like, "if I was a white child, I was told I couldn't play with black children."
At the end of the assembly, the MC got up and spoke of Lincoln and the many presidents who have made this a great land, of the progress we have made as a country. As I heard these words, I couldn't help think of the magnitude of Tuesday's presidential inauguration.
I felt so proud to be an American, and to be in a country that chose to elect Barak Obama as the first ever African American president. It was a very moving moment for me. Martin Luther King would be proud.
Have a great day,
Into the future,
A Man Died
Welcome back. You belong here.
I've been reading different books about the atonement, the cross, etc. One example is "Rediscovering the Scandal of the Cross" by Joel Green and Mark Baker. I've always been interested in understanding the background of "penal substitution" as the primary way to describe Jesus' work on the cross. Seminary started that process for me, and I continue it on my own.
I guess, after reading much on the subject, I can't help but realize one thing. A man died for me. No matter how it's been described since then, what God meant, Paul meant, Mark meant, etc. etc. still, a man died for me and for you. That's pretty unheard of and it seems to mean a ton! It makes me feel humbled, it makes me wonder why would anyone do that, it makes me thankful.
It reminds me of John's words in John 15:13, "Greater love has no-one than this, that he lay down his life for a friend. You are my friends...."
Have a great day,
Into the future,
I've been reading different books about the atonement, the cross, etc. One example is "Rediscovering the Scandal of the Cross" by Joel Green and Mark Baker. I've always been interested in understanding the background of "penal substitution" as the primary way to describe Jesus' work on the cross. Seminary started that process for me, and I continue it on my own.
I guess, after reading much on the subject, I can't help but realize one thing. A man died for me. No matter how it's been described since then, what God meant, Paul meant, Mark meant, etc. etc. still, a man died for me and for you. That's pretty unheard of and it seems to mean a ton! It makes me feel humbled, it makes me wonder why would anyone do that, it makes me thankful.
It reminds me of John's words in John 15:13, "Greater love has no-one than this, that he lay down his life for a friend. You are my friends...."
Have a great day,
Into the future,
Monday, January 12, 2009
Why I No Longer Hang Out At Coffee Shops
Welcome back. You belong here.
I used to hang out at coffee shops all the time. My idea was to hang out with young people and strike up a conversation with hopes to be the kingdom to others. But instead, it became a place to do my own thing, stare out the window, or a place to feel cool.
While at all those coffee shops, I never helped the poor, fed the hungry, built any sense of genuine relationships, never offered anyone a job, or helped them with diapers for their children. In fact, the poor or 'out of place', were often unwanted.
And while I understand that cool people need Jesus, I choose to be in relationship with people in other ways.
Currently, I have relationships with many of the guys at our children's school, a lower income, mostly Latino elementary school. I've also done a few things at our church such as "Shining Star" helping families in need during the Christmas season.
I need to do more.
Today, I was at Starbucks doing some work and I saw dozens of people come in and out, some reading their spiritual books and bibles, others doing e-harmony and most, sitting alone, online. I sat there the whole time, alone, doing busy work and I remembered how I used to think that was so me.
Now, I'm no longer hanging out at coffee shops and I support those that do. But for me, I am spending my time differently. And if you want to meet me at Starbucks, I'll be there, but now, it means something totally different.
Have a great day,
Into the future,
I used to hang out at coffee shops all the time. My idea was to hang out with young people and strike up a conversation with hopes to be the kingdom to others. But instead, it became a place to do my own thing, stare out the window, or a place to feel cool.
While at all those coffee shops, I never helped the poor, fed the hungry, built any sense of genuine relationships, never offered anyone a job, or helped them with diapers for their children. In fact, the poor or 'out of place', were often unwanted.
And while I understand that cool people need Jesus, I choose to be in relationship with people in other ways.
Currently, I have relationships with many of the guys at our children's school, a lower income, mostly Latino elementary school. I've also done a few things at our church such as "Shining Star" helping families in need during the Christmas season.
I need to do more.
Today, I was at Starbucks doing some work and I saw dozens of people come in and out, some reading their spiritual books and bibles, others doing e-harmony and most, sitting alone, online. I sat there the whole time, alone, doing busy work and I remembered how I used to think that was so me.
Now, I'm no longer hanging out at coffee shops and I support those that do. But for me, I am spending my time differently. And if you want to meet me at Starbucks, I'll be there, but now, it means something totally different.
Have a great day,
Into the future,
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