Thursday, December 02, 2004

Long Beach Culture.Org: Your Event Search Results

I'm here at Portfolio Cafe studying for Sunday night. It's going well, I know lots about Mary and Joseph and Herod (he was not very nice). Ask me anything. Right...

A couple in their 50's just came in and asked the owner, who is hanging new art work around the place (pretty cool owner), what is going on in Long Beach this week in the arts. She had no clue. That was sad. She pointed them to OC Weekly! OC Weekly? Isn't that Orange County news? So I thought, you know, she needs to know about Long Beach Culture.Org: Your Event Search Results. Here you can get a complete listing of cultural events around the LBC - arts, music, festivals, etc

So next time you're in town, check it out, and if you have someone asking you what is there to do, don't confuse them, help them.