Saturday, June 11, 2005

My People Suffer

Welcome back.

I've been thinking about my home Nicaragua lately. Going to Russia this summer to work at a camp for orphans, seeing pictures of the Russian children, having our own children get sick and stuff, all has opened my heart to the pain children endure each day. Many of the orphans in Moscow live in the drains underneath the city. We've seen pictures.

Then I think of the children of Nicaragua. We teach our children of the need back home. We show them pictures, we talk about them, we pray together for the children of Russia, Nicaragua, the world.

Pictures like these of men and women sifting through a landfill to look for food, clothes, with animals around them while holding babies in their arms are hard to see. I've seen these scenes first hand.

I read on a magazine that Brad Pitt recently said "we could end world poverty in our life time. That's exciting." Is that true? I hope it is.

My next missionary trip needs to be to Nicaragua. I've been talking with CEPAD, my dad's social justice organization of 20 years (prior to becoming a pastor) and I'm trying to fit a December exploratory pre-trip into my schedule to Matagalpa, Nueva Segovia and Boaco, cities outside of Managua.

Lord, send us out.

Links: Clika la Chureca. Nicaliving.

Pictures: La Chureca landfill outside Managua.

Into the future,
