Saturday, June 25, 2005

Today, I Cried Hard

Picture: Soldier in Nicaraguan Revolution.

Welcome back.

Small things trigger grieving. I saw our little boy's train sitting alone by the door while they were all at the store, and I missed him and that touched my heart and I began to cry. About grandma, how much I miss her, about my love for our boy David Dennis (2 in July), about feelings of loss, of sadness and some recent marriage sadness. Grieving is like this, it just suddenly comes. July 3rd it will be the 6th month since my grandmother-mother's death. She died of a brain anyurism on Jan 3rd and went into the hospital on Christmas Eve. She was 78 and raised me since age 6. She would walk me to Willard Elementary School here in Long Beach every morning. I miss her every day. I'm okay.

Into the future,


btw, I want a tatoo and the picture above is what I would get.