Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I Need to Persevere

Welcome back.

I have a paper due (a week late) that I'm working on and I've yet to work out with weights this week (last time was Sat, chest/back). Normally, say last week, I do 4x weights, 2x tredmill, abs every day.

I did treadmill Monday, abs every day, but not my usual Core Max ab workout. Arms/shoulders is next, perhaps tonight or Thursday. My eating has been right on schedule = protein bars, 100% whey protein drinks, daily multi-vitamins, tuna, yogurt, fruit, hard boiled eggs, string cheese, chicken, rice, veggies, lots of water.

Someone may say, that's so crazy, give yourself a break! But once you get into a routine of weight-training and exercise, it's hard when you're not in the 'zone'. Due to grief and emotions, I'm finally getting back into a good routine and now this week. May is so that way for us all. Crazy month. It frustrates me, but I'll persevere. That's the fun of working out.

Into the future,
