Tuesday, May 24, 2005

I Want More of This

-->Welcome back.

Alex McManus Mentorship Newsletter:

Emergent Leaders 1:

"Being "nowhere" didn't matter because everyone was there for the same thing, to be with others. No running water. No electricity. No shelter. Indeed, no toilets. Nothing but people in the desert, under starlight, with a real sense of belonging.

Young leaders-like leaders of all ages-want relationship, not just responsibility.

Young leaders care about community and about context. Our postmodern context is not about the style of worship celebration and even less about the facilities. Mission today is about creating community that cares for the world in the way God does. Jesus is the only one who knows this kind of community, and thus everything begins with him."

I know this, we've had moments of it, but I want more of it. This is right.

Into the future,
