Saturday, May 21, 2005

What's Up with Calvin College?

-->Picture: John Calvin.

Welcome back.

These Calvinist proffs and students sound pretty Emergent to me - Tolerance, God is not a Republican, anti-war in Iraq, Christians should be about, good stuff.

I had never heard of Calvin College before (Grand Rapids, Michigan). Am I the only one?

Here is what some of the faculty members said in a letter regarding President Bush's visit and speech at their commencement ceremonies:

"We believe your administration has launched an unjust and unjustified war in Iraq," said a letter signed by about one-third the college's 300 faculty members and published in Saturday's Grand Rapids Press. As Christians, we are called to be peacemakers and to initiate war only as a last resort," it said. The letter criticized economic policies that it said favored the wealthy over the poor, and faulted Bush for mixing religion and politics and exhibiting and "intolerance" for others' views.

Here are President Bush's "Remarks by the President at Calvin College Commencement." Pretty funny guy.

PAPER UPDATE: I'm making good progress (page 6 of 10) on my 2-week over due paper in Matthew (Talbot Seminary). Wednesday is the last day of class. I'll get there.

Into the future,
